I'm new to RPG's and I need help :(

Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:56 am

So I have been going for a generic bad ass character with heavy armor and two handed weapons. . . and I am being murdered on the standard difficulty, about to give up on the game entirely.

Right now I am looking for the elder scroll and half of the enemies are just ridiculously overpowered and kill me easily.

It seems I severely need a way to defend myself but blocking seems useless. It is worth upgrading?

Or perhaps I should have gone one handed with a shield? I just did not expect the enemies to be so absurdly unbalanced.

On a side note, why the [censored] are dragons so easy to defeat yet a robot thing, or a troll, or even a bear is impossible? This game makes no damn sense.

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Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:21 pm

yea, those centurions can be a [censored]. I always go with the ebony battleaxe, my character is a level 42 dark elf werewolf, Harbinger of the Companions, Guild Master & Listener for the dark brotherhood. [Sorry for off-topicness]

My suggestion to you: Go to Whiterun, buy some spell tomes from Farengar (the Jarl's court wizard), Try to get a nice shield, not a guard shield. (For a really nice shield: get a high bounty on your head, go out of the city you got the bounty in, wait a couple minutes, and a bounty collector should approach you, kill him and take his shield. It's either orcish or dwarven.) Good luck, friend. Contact me if you need some more help.

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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:06 pm

If enemies are getting too hard for you, lower the difficulty. No shame in doing so.
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Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:44 pm

It's not that the game is unbalanced, it may be that you just need to level up a bit. Go and fight some easier enemies, or try a crafting skill, and invest in health when levelling up.

And there's no shame in turning down the difficulty if you are having trouble.

And dragons are easy because they are usually focusing on the NPCs around towns (which also are helping you kill them, particularly the guards with their bows). Alone, a dragon can be trouble

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jess hughes
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Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:16 pm

Hi there, welcome to the forum. :)

What level are you? What areas you have the most problems with? Enemies added in DLC are generally more challenging than those in the base game, so if you started by going to Solstheim, you may be in over your head.

"Robot things", I assume you mean Dwarven centurions. They're probably the most diffiicult bosses in early game because they don't scale down: they start at much higher level than basic dragons and have massive amount of health. It's best to avoid them if you're not strong enough. I've never played a two-handed warrior, so I'm not sure how you can deal with them, but I know they are slow and not very agile, so if you get very close they won't be able to reach you with their steam breath - keep moving and dodging.

Trolls regenerate health, the bastards. They're weak to fire, so get a spell or a weapon dealing fire damage and be quick, don't let them regenerate.

There are ways to solve this problem. Like Shadow Titan said, lowering the difficulty will help. Focus on your armor rating, take up smithing and improve your equipment. Train on weaker enemies. Perhaps try a ranged skill, like archery, to help you deal with creatures that deal massive amounts of melee damage.

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Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:54 pm

You may want to start investing in Smithing and Enchanting, if you haven't yet. You'll start needing them around level 20.

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Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:10 am

Without more information we can't be very much help BUT I'll try to give you some pointers.

For a beginner I would suggest a number of things:

1) Play on novice till you get a handle on the game, its combat, enemies and other nuances can be a bit overwhelming at first. I am a 3 decades RP'er but Skyrim was my firsy ES game and I was getting owned because I didn't understand the game. I actually bought Oblivion, ES IV and used the Arena to hone my combat skills.

2) Do a lot of sneaking along with using a bow to knock your enemies down a bit: This will help in a lot of ways including getting used to archery which will be helpful in the long run and give you a leg up on your foes. You will find a lot of griping in the forums about a stealth archer being overpowered in the game but learning this archtype of character will help you immeasurably as you find your footing in the melee department.

3) A one hand weapon and shield character is the best to use to get your melee feet wet since it gives you the most balance between attack and defense and don't be afraid to perk your blocking skill since it cuts down on the amount of damage you take.

4) You need to be very selective in the way you use your perk points, don't spread them out too thinly as there's so many skills you can invest in. Invest in your armor type, melee weapon, archery and blocking at first and don't go for other skills until you have a solid foundation with your fighting skills.

5) Don't waste perk points in lockpicking. After a few dozen locks or so you will gain a 'feel' for the locks which will make them much easier to pick and result in many fewer broken lockpicks. Unlike Oblivion lockpicks are very easy to find in the game world including merchants and as loot from enemies. Feel free to save before attempting to pick a lock and practice on it, you will find you will quickly pick up the nuance after a number of tries.

6) If you take a magic skill make it restoration so you can heal your character and follower and turn undead.

7) if you get into a fight you can't win run away! It's not cowardice as you can always come back and face them again when you are stronger.

8) Pick your dungeons carefully, there are many very hard ones and many easy ones as well. Also don't be afraid to leave a dungeon to heal up and prepare before returning. This also gives you time to formulate a better plan of attack.

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