» Thu May 19, 2011 5:30 am
could have looked a lot better if it were PC exclusive. No, I don't have a vendetta against consoles and I love my xbox 360 personally, but let's face it... consoles are dated right now and it is becoming noticeable. Yes, the PC version will look better than the console version but not at it's top potential. I have been playing the Witcher 2 and it looks fantastic compared to the screens I have been seeing for this game. The trend I see with a lot of bethesda's open sandbox games is that a lot of models look like they are vacuum packed and have this unnatural bevel and emboss look to them. Hair especially. Now, don't get me wrong.. I am still stoked for this game and very much looking forward to it.. hell, I even have it preordered. Just being honest about what I see. The picture of the man with the blind eye looks great but the mammoths and giants.. not so much to me.