I haven't looked into this game to much but am starting to and the first thing I want to know is if I should play oblivion before I get this game?
Same question I pondered when I first played TESIV:Oblivion when it came out in April of 2006, I like you had not played any of the previous games.
But once I started playing I Really, Really, starting liking The Game and The Lore.
So eventually after I had played TESIV:Oblivion many times through, I did go back and buy and play TESIII:Morrowwind, to see what it was like and learn more about the Lore.
Going back and playing with that game engine and animations took some getting used to doing for sure, but it Was Worth it do so.
So maybe for you, it will be the same.
But I would do it like I did and play TESV:Skyrim through many times and then go back and play last one in the series and maybe even the one before that if you get into the Lore really good like I did.
I hope that helps you.