I'm going to assume that most of us here (if not all) have played and completed The Shivering Isles at least once. Those who didn't, well, spoiler warning!
What do you think how Bethesda is going to work out the New Sheogorath Daedric Shrine Quest? Somehow, Haskil giving quest(s) in His/Her name sounds kinda lame?
Is the New Sheogorath (Our Sheogorath) still alive? Is he insane after all those years? Is he a daedra prince? Or is there another who has risen to that position?
Personally, I would like some sort of save file transfer like in the Dragon Age or Mass Effect or an option to chose which race/gender was your character in Oblivion if he/she is still alive.
Also giving him/her a voice over depending on the race.
What do you think?