I just came across this and thought I would share. I truly hope they continue as it is great work, indeed.
I just came across this and thought I would share. I truly hope they continue as it is great work, indeed.
It gave me goose bumps...
At 17:30 they just stand there with a look of... " OK... that wasn't freaky at all. "
Heh,Pretty decent fan film Like the effects,Dont you love to see shouting irl? Wish i could do that.
But the dark elf assassins... if they are supposed to be dark elves. Just looks like someone put a blackface on
I think everyone is either Imperial or Nord.
Meh, I never get what is so interesting in this skyrim fan films to me they all seem kind boring ,
Watched the whole thing.. pretty good I must say
I must say I like the acting, and the action wasn't bad. But I just usually don't enjoy short films, not enough dialogue and no time for the story to develop. My favorite part was the narrative towards the beginning.
I realize everyone is not going to be as taken as I was. I think you have to look at it for what it is. A group if college kids in the backyard with a camera and a PC. Given that... you have to admit it's rather impressive.
Is there an unwritten rule that forces the Dragonborn to wear iron armour foh evah?
I saw it, it was pretty good for a fan film.
Spot friggen on........
Pretty damn good for a fan made film
I was expecting it to be total cheese, but I must say it wasn't too bad. The necromancer leader was pretty ba with his weapon summon and how he finished that guy off execution style. I enjoyed it. There of course is still an element of cheese, but it was rather light. Thanks for sharing.
I've already watched it I liked it, but this thread seems more fan fiction thread then general.
I have to say, I thought they did a pretty good job, I liked it!
I thought it was pretty good, I enjoyed watching it and would like to see it continue.
When opening the thread, I contemplated placing it there. However, the Fan Fic forum is geared more towards RPing and Storytelling across the entire TES world in general.
This is more specific to Skyrim and seemingly more associated with the populous of this forum.
Truth be told I avoided this for a while thinking it would be really bad. For something made by college kids it's actually pretty good.
There's one thing that bothers me, though. I realize it's iconic and all, but did the Dragonborn really have to wear the dorky iron helmet+hide armor combo? I guess it's made better by the fact that he wasn't wearing much of anything most of the time, but still.
I was going to suggest putting this in the Art/Fanfiction forum too, but I guess that makes sense.
Soo.. i guess we can expect a episode 2?