New Skyrim info coming in Playstation the Official Magazine

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:15 am

Is this issue available for purchase yet, or do only subscribers have it?
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:15 pm

Is this issue available for purchase yet, or do only subscribers have it?

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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:49 am

It might be Solitude since it has the rock formations.

So its called Solitude? I though it was the wealthy or most Imperial city liked? Yep its the one on rocks and it looks all clusteted up with midevil like towers and such, looks like theres different sections or cells to each part of the city. :thumbsdown:
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:17 am

This sums it up,
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:38 am

As someone said, that was what Alexander the Great's personal guard was called. It's actually fairly militarized term, only recently has it come to mean "buddy."

The Companions sounds fine and I love the reference to Alexander the Great. However, I'm under the impressions they are called The Compainions which seems like a really lame play on words.

Is that a typo in the OP?
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:50 am

As someone said, that was what Alexander the Great's personal guard was called. It's actually fairly militarized term, only recently has it come to mean "buddy."

Anyways, some people thought the "College of Whispers" as the new mages guild name (from the novels) was something other than a complete steaming pile. Glad they went with College of Winterhold instead.

And did they finally confirm horses? Here's hoping you can actually fight from them. I don't care if mounted combat is broken, I don't care if it's buggy, having to dismount to fight is the most blatantly terrible game mechanic since level scaling.

-College of Winterhold sounds awesome. Probably the first thing I will do.

-Yes they confirmed horses, but no info on fighting from them.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:51 am

This sums it up,

Nice! thanks for posting!

For anybody to lazy to click LOL

  • Here's a summary of some of the new information in the latest issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine:
  • 'Magnetism' in your attacks draws them more towards enemies rather than allies so as there is no 'friendly fire' in bigger battles.
  • Taverns will play a large role in getting information, gossip and rumours from a town as it's naturally where most people go after working and you can listen to peoples conversation and learn more about the town and/or skyrim itseld - it's a lot more natural.
  • Quest givers won't be so specific, an example given is say in Oblivion a QG would say you'd be paid 200 gold for doing something, they've tried to make it more natural so the QG would say something more along the lines if 'I'd happily pay if you could do this for me'. (Maybe your payment is dependant on how well you pull off the task?)
  • There will be some enchanted weapons which don't tell you what they do - so you'll know it's magical in some way but you won't know how exactly, you'd have to find out yourself - (this would most likely apply to the things you find in dungeons, ie people wouldn't know about it so the PC wouldn't either untill it's used)
  • People will be more vague or specific when talking to you or giving you quests depending on how much they like you.
  • If you are using a two handed weapon then you use Left Trigger to block and Right trigger to attack, however if you have a one handed weapon in one hand and a spell in the other, you won't be able to block - left trigger will then be a spell and right will be attack - it is done to make you play more stratigically - be more offensive, defensive, magic based etc.
  • They mention some new spells such as one which acts as a shield against magic
  • They talk about dungeons; one in specific which they go to on a quest *Minor spoilers ahead* called 'Bleak Falls Barrow' - it is inhabited mainly by the Draugr (the undead guys in the screenshots we've seen), a 'ghostly dragon priest' who bursts out of a sarcophagus to attack and startle the player and the 'boss' of the dungeon - a giant 'Frostbite Spider'. They said that they were proceeding through the dungeon when it dropped down from the ceiling where it was hiding, it was said to be terrifying.
  • A rune that you can throw down and it fires out shards of ice, similar to the flamethrower one we've heard about.
  • They describe a finishing move they perform on a bandit - they 'plunge the sword into his chest' and the bandit can be heard gurgling his blood as he dies.
  • Outside of quests you can perform; Woodcutting, Cooking, Mining and metalwork
  • They mention some of the 18 skills although I don't know if they're being specific or general (ie they could be grouping a few skills into one, and these are probably not the names of them): Combat, Magic, Stealth, Conversationalist.
  • They mention a Dragon Shout that acts as a sort of 'Bullet Time'.
  • Riverwood is described as 'A smattering of timber buildings, including a sawmill'
  • They get the quest to go to Bleak Falls Barrow from a shopkeeper called Lucan who has had his antique golden dragon claw stolen and wants you to retrieve it.
  • Radiant Story is in part inspired by the random encounters in Fallout 3.
  • The game apparently looks amazing in motion, with great environment effects such as the wind making the water swirl and make waves.
  • Some Dragon Shouts are found in dungeons.
  • It is possible to raise all skills to 100 but not possible to get all perks.
  • The King of Skyrim is dead, which has sparked the Civil War.
  • Dragon Encounters aren't scripted and they will 'Merrily ravage towns without warning'
  • NPC's are said to be improved, having proper jobs and routines now and some will even take out a vendetta on you and will come to find you if you killed a loved one or relative for example.
  • "Every big settlement is unique. The city of Markarth Side, for example, is set into dramatic stone cliffs, with buildings teetering on the end of sheer drops"
  • Haarfingar is said to be home to the largest trading port in Skyrim.
  • They mention breaking and entering to find out more about people, but I'm not sure as to what extent - "Because of the open world set up you can even progress by snooping around - following people, looking out for strange behaviour and even some light breaking and entering".

EDIT: Hmm... this looks more like a summary of the previous article - I don't see any mention of the Companions, College of Winterhold or the 9 bounties.

Yep, just checked and it is all old news. The comments were from February.

Has anybody posted a complete summary or synopsis of the current Playstation article?
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:22 am

Sooo are you going to scan it on a different site?

shouldn't even be talking about uploading scans to different sites, think thats against the rules also.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:00 pm

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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:44 am

This sums it up,

this is not from the new magazine, it was posted in February.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:33 am

So its called Solitude? I though it was the wealthy or most Imperial city liked? Yep its the one on rocks and it looks all clusteted up with midevil like towers and such, looks like theres different sections or cells to each part of the city. :thumbsdown:

Yea, that's Solitude. What does the castle pic look like?
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:45 am

Nice! thanks for posting!

For anybody to lazy to click LOL

EDIT: Hmm... this looks more like a summary of the previous article - I don't see any mention of the Companions, College of Winterhold or the 9 bounties

It is old; look at the post date.

For anybody too lazy to click GOOD JOB
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:40 am

Nice! thanks for posting!

For anybody to lazy to click LOL

  • Here's a summary of some of the new information in the latest issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine:
  • 'Magnetism' in your attacks draws them more towards enemies rather than allies so as there is no 'friendly fire' in bigger battles.
  • Taverns will play a large role in getting information, gossip and rumours from a town as it's naturally where most people go after working and you can listen to peoples conversation and learn more about the town and/or skyrim itseld - it's a lot more natural.
  • Quest givers won't be so specific, an example given is say in Oblivion a QG would say you'd be paid 200 gold for doing something, they've tried to make it more natural so the QG would say something more along the lines if 'I'd happily pay if you could do this for me'. (Maybe your payment is dependant on how well you pull off the task?)
  • There will be some enchanted weapons which don't tell you what they do - so you'll know it's magical in some way but you won't know how exactly, you'd have to find out yourself - (this would most likely apply to the things you find in dungeons, ie people wouldn't know about it so the PC wouldn't either untill it's used)
  • People will be more vague or specific when talking to you or giving you quests depending on how much they like you.
  • If you are using a two handed weapon then you use Left Trigger to block and Right trigger to attack, however if you have a one handed weapon in one hand and a spell in the other, you won't be able to block - left trigger will then be a spell and right will be attack - it is done to make you play more stratigically - be more offensive, defensive, magic based etc.
  • They mention some new spells such as one which acts as a shield against magic
  • They talk about dungeons; one in specific which they go to on a quest *Minor spoilers ahead* called 'Bleak Falls Barrow' - it is inhabited mainly by the Draugr (the undead guys in the screenshots we've seen), a 'ghostly dragon priest' who bursts out of a sarcophagus to attack and startle the player and the 'boss' of the dungeon - a giant 'Frostbite Spider'. They said that they were proceeding through the dungeon when it dropped down from the ceiling where it was hiding, it was said to be terrifying.
  • A rune that you can throw down and it fires out shards of ice, similar to the flamethrower one we've heard about.
  • They describe a finishing move they perform on a bandit - they 'plunge the sword into his chest' and the bandit can be heard gurgling his blood as he dies.
  • Outside of quests you can perform; Woodcutting, Cooking, Mining and metalwork
  • They mention some of the 18 skills although I don't know if they're being specific or general (ie they could be grouping a few skills into one, and these are probably not the names of them): Combat, Magic, Stealth, Conversationalist.
  • They mention a Dragon Shout that acts as a sort of 'Bullet Time'.
  • Riverwood is described as 'A smattering of timber buildings, including a sawmill'
  • They get the quest to go to Bleak Falls Barrow from a shopkeeper called Lucan who has had his antique golden dragon claw stolen and wants you to retrieve it.
  • Radiant Story is in part inspired by the random encounters in Fallout 3.
  • The game apparently looks amazing in motion, with great environment effects such as the wind making the water swirl and make waves.
  • Some Dragon Shouts are found in dungeons.
  • It is possible to raise all skills to 100 but not possible to get all perks.
  • The King of Skyrim is dead, which has sparked the Civil War.
  • Dragon Encounters aren't scripted and they will 'Merrily ravage towns without warning'
  • NPC's are said to be improved, having proper jobs and routines now and some will even take out a vendetta on you and will come to find you if you killed a loved one or relative for example.
  • "Every big settlement is unique. The city of Markarth Side, for example, is set into dramatic stone cliffs, with buildings teetering on the end of sheer drops"
  • Haarfingar is said to be home to the largest trading port in Skyrim.
  • They mention breaking and entering to find out more about people, but I'm not sure as to what extent - "Because of the open world set up you can even progress by snooping around - following people, looking out for strange behaviour and even some light breaking and entering".

EDIT: Hmm... this looks more like a summary of the previous article - I don't see any mention of the Companions, College of Winterhold or the 9 bounties

This game sounds amazing. There will be so much to do I have no idea what I'll do first!!!

It will undoubtedly be affected by the type of character I create (not sure on that either :P).
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:56 am

Nice! thanks for posting!

For anybody to lazy to click LOL

  • Here's a summary of some of the new information in the latest issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine:
  • 'Magnetism' in your attacks draws them more towards enemies rather than allies so as there is no 'friendly fire' in bigger battles.
  • Taverns will play a large role in getting information, gossip and rumours from a town as it's naturally where most people go after working and you can listen to peoples conversation and learn more about the town and/or skyrim itseld - it's a lot more natural.
  • Quest givers won't be so specific, an example given is say in Oblivion a QG would say you'd be paid 200 gold for doing something, they've tried to make it more natural so the QG would say something more along the lines if 'I'd happily pay if you could do this for me'. (Maybe your payment is dependant on how well you pull off the task?)
  • There will be some enchanted weapons which don't tell you what they do - so you'll know it's magical in some way but you won't know how exactly, you'd have to find out yourself - (this would most likely apply to the things you find in dungeons, ie people wouldn't know about it so the PC wouldn't either untill it's used)
  • People will be more vague or specific when talking to you or giving you quests depending on how much they like you.
  • If you are using a two handed weapon then you use Left Trigger to block and Right trigger to attack, however if you have a one handed weapon in one hand and a spell in the other, you won't be able to block - left trigger will then be a spell and right will be attack - it is done to make you play more stratigically - be more offensive, defensive, magic based etc.
  • They mention some new spells such as one which acts as a shield against magic
  • They talk about dungeons; one in specific which they go to on a quest *Minor spoilers ahead* called 'Bleak Falls Barrow' - it is inhabited mainly by the Draugr (the undead guys in the screenshots we've seen), a 'ghostly dragon priest' who bursts out of a sarcophagus to attack and startle the player and the 'boss' of the dungeon - a giant 'Frostbite Spider'. They said that they were proceeding through the dungeon when it dropped down from the ceiling where it was hiding, it was said to be terrifying.
  • A rune that you can throw down and it fires out shards of ice, similar to the flamethrower one we've heard about.
  • They describe a finishing move they perform on a bandit - they 'plunge the sword into his chest' and the bandit can be heard gurgling his blood as he dies.
  • Outside of quests you can perform; Woodcutting, Cooking, Mining and metalwork
  • They mention some of the 18 skills although I don't know if they're being specific or general (ie they could be grouping a few skills into one, and these are probably not the names of them): Combat, Magic, Stealth, Conversationalist.
  • They mention a Dragon Shout that acts as a sort of 'Bullet Time'.
  • Riverwood is described as 'A smattering of timber buildings, including a sawmill'
  • They get the quest to go to Bleak Falls Barrow from a shopkeeper called Lucan who has had his antique golden dragon claw stolen and wants you to retrieve it.
  • Radiant Story is in part inspired by the random encounters in Fallout 3.
  • The game apparently looks amazing in motion, with great environment effects such as the wind making the water swirl and make waves.
  • Some Dragon Shouts are found in dungeons.
  • It is possible to raise all skills to 100 but not possible to get all perks.
  • The King of Skyrim is dead, which has sparked the Civil War.
  • Dragon Encounters aren't scripted and they will 'Merrily ravage towns without warning'
  • NPC's are said to be improved, having proper jobs and routines now and some will even take out a vendetta on you and will come to find you if you killed a loved one or relative for example.
  • "Every big settlement is unique. The city of Markarth Side, for example, is set into dramatic stone cliffs, with buildings teetering on the end of sheer drops"
  • Haarfingar is said to be home to the largest trading port in Skyrim.
  • They mention breaking and entering to find out more about people, but I'm not sure as to what extent - "Because of the open world set up you can even progress by snooping around - following people, looking out for strange behaviour and even some light breaking and entering".

EDIT: Hmm... this looks more like a summary of the previous article - I don't see any mention of the Companions, College of Winterhold or the 9 bounties.

Yep, just checked and it is all old news. The comments were from February.

Has anybody posted a complete summary or synopsis of the current Playstation article?

Oh sorry, I saw the title and read a few things.. now that you mention it I don't notice it either.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:52 am

Yea, that's Solitude. What does the castle pic look like?

You mean the one with the bearded man? He's looking at you with a mean face standing up against a stone castle wall and he has a brownish grey beard.
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:27 pm

I NEED scans!
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Peter lopez
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:19 am

You mean the one with the bearded man? He's looking at you with a mean face standing up against a stone castle wall and he has a brownish grey beard.

Inside or out? And if it's outside, is it in the same rocky Solitude area?
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:28 am

Hand to hand shot down?

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Juan Cerda
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:11 am

Hand to hand shot down?


As a skill, you'll still be able to do it

I can't believe there are no freaking scans :(
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:08 am

As a skill, you'll still be able to do it

I can't believe there are no freaking scans :(

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Grace Francis
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:37 pm

Inside or out? And if it's outside, is it in the same rocky Solitude area?

inside of a guard tower I think? Also yes its Solitude I'm assuming.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:58 am

I can try to scan mine on a different websight like Neogaf or somthing I still know how to and mines in Russian so you would not be able to read it.

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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:08 pm


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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:07 am


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Gill Mackin
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:34 am


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