Hi guys. I have taken a long break for Skyrim, and I only played it on PS3 back when I did. So I have absolutely no experience with Skyrim mods (although I have played extensively with MW and OB mods).
We are now going to buy a high-end PC that can play Skyrim on highest settings, and including graphic mods. So while my boyfriend takes care of the computer buying, I'm on the lookout for good mods to Skyrim. Here's a list of what I'm looking at:
- Good graphic enhancer mods
- RP-mods (Not necessarily mods that make the game harder, but more RP-stuff/immersion in general)
- New areas/towns/quests
- New guilds (would love new guilds!)
- More and new perks
- Class system mods (Yes, I miss classes)
- Crafting extended mods
- More marriage partners (especially for Khajiit and other races with few vanilla options)
I don't know how much of this list exists even as mods, and I will of course have a good look at Nexus myself too, but any tips you can give me will be greatly appreciated.