» Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:21 pm
While I think Skyrim will look great -- especially in motion, on a gaming PC, at a higher resolution -- I also agree with many of the criticisms people have brought up. There are certainly faults here and there that are quite disappointing to see, if only because I expect "fantastic" rather than "pretty good."
I know more than average about what goes into producing game graphics, and I don't know enough to really comment on how they ought to be improved, or what will change from platform to platform or older build to newer build, from an artist or programmer's perspective. So I won't try to be any more technical than to say these screenshots look great - but not good enough for Skyrim to blow every comparable game out of the water visually. I hope that at release, on PC, the game is significantly better-looking in a number of ways.
What I do love about these higher-res screenshots are the positive things they imply about the game overall; the art style, creature, environment and item design, and the character models look superb. The slight asymmetry of the Nord lady is what makes her look so natural and such a huge improvement over Oblivion's NPCs, I think... and while everyone seems to be not quite mentioning it, I'll just come out and say that her chest is modestly but beautifully modeled and proportioned. Bethesda, your character artists are awesome.
The poses of characters and creatures don't tell the full story on the animations (we won't know till we see a video), either, but they do seem to imply a vast improvement in that regard.