You can tell that the graphics are massively improved.. what people are looking at is the art style.. And the art style looks like a Bethesda game. What people continue to do is confuse the artistic build of characters, buildings and landscape for graphics. With graphics you look at the textures, animation and form of the object.. Not the art style. If when you see live action footage and notice choppy-ness, blurry textures or weird animations that's when you complain about graphics.
Completely agree! That's what I get from looking over comments with comparisons to Alan Wake and such.
TES series has definitely always had it's own, one of a kind, vibrant, magical fantasy look and feel to it. As it should, of course. And with great detail/graphics! Always some of the best for an RPG of it's kind.
I've always seen it in the back of my head.. as say.. looking into a beautifully drawn/painted epic story book! (And feels MUCH more than just looking, once you're actually playing and it all appears before you).. and over time, the 'human/real life' elements that I can relate to layer over-top of that through textures, animation, models etc.
From seeing these screens, I myself can certainly say with pride that it looks like Bethesda has done an outstanding job. They've stuck with the unique style TES has always had (though clearly a little grittier this time around, which is cool) while
greatly improving it (through clear comparisons with Oblivion) technically, visually and physically (in your hands).. without detracting from that special style.
Also just remember all the facts.. (everything GI, and Todd himself have stated - about the engine re-work, AI and all).. one big thing being that it has indeed been
5 years since Oblivion. So there's really no possible way Skyrim could simply look 'marginally better'.
I mean GI themselves, were
playing the game! (On a 360 version, even?!).. keep that in mind as you read the reviews and articles. These aren't overreactions, friends. They have witnessed the power..

.. and they, were awed.