I am asking for some help getting Skyrim (with all expansions/ legendary edition) up and running
again on the PC, and want to do what I can to prevent any savegame bloat.
I have last played around patch 1.3, I think, and I know there have been a lot of changes. I know
that some of the patches since then have applied the CPU patch which fixed most/some of the
framerate issues in the larger cities. They also seemed to have patched cleaning of arrows,
weapons, nirnroot and ash piles that were causing savegame bloat.
My question to you guys is, do I need any other mods/fixes to prevent savegame bloat? In your
experience, did the patches truly prevent savegames from growing and growing over time? Even
for the expansions? Is there anything new, game-breaking, in the expansions that I should know about? I have not played them...
Just want a stable-as-possible time, this time around. If you know any other tweaks or stability
information it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all for your time!