@ Treydog - Thank you so much! When I was trying to decide which way to go with the story I wrote a couple chapters following each storyline (Maxical was dead in one, the whole was a dream in the other) - just free-typed.
The first thing that emerged in the free typing was Melisande's personality, she has been amazing to write for! In game I have had trouble keeping her in one spot, she keeps disappearing and I have to find her, lol. I hate to shut down her AI, but may have to if I want any screenshots of her.
I dropped some years off her to hide the wrinkles, then changed her hairstyle; it may have gone to her head, lol.
Love transcending death/beasts/mechanics - my favorite theme in movies/books, lol. :
Reincarnate= "Chances Are" type where they find their lover through the barriers of age, distance, time, etc.
Beasts = "Cat People" (only the Nastasja Kinski version) where he falls in love with her in spite of the fact that she turns into a black leopard every time they mate;
Mechanics = David, where the robot falls in love with his human mother and goes through H to have one last day with her.
:) Does your last sentence mean what it sounds like it means?

??? If so, YIPEE!! And I won't need it for at least one month in human time (as opposed to story time/game time, lol).
Thank you so much again Treydog!!!
@ Destri Melarg - Or maybe to teach her to aim, lol. Thank you very much Destri! I've wondered myself about that. She is a very strong character, and will be needed later if there are any...residual effects from all this. I def see her in the storyline for a while. Thank you so much Destri, you were so missed while you were gone, and you left us all hanging with that cliffhanger before you went on vacation! lol.
@ RemkoNL - Thank you so much! Rona ripped the cowl from the cloak in the flashback on Janus in the last thread. Janus has been wearing the cowl only the whole time Maxical was with him, in chapter 50 he wore the cloak for the first time. Murkwood is from Arena, the first Elder Scrolls game. I had to research where lost souls went in Lore, and found Murkwood.
This change in the story has caused me to dig into the Lore more deeply than I ever have before, looking for specifics. I thought I knew all the lore, but have found some things in there I didn't know anything about - some of which will be included in the storyline.
Thank you again RemkoNL, and your story has stepped up so much the last few chapters I certainly hope no one is missing it!
Chapter 54: Murkwood!Janus's action saved them from walking right into a pair of Medusa. Melisande lit into them with fire spells, catching the pair before they spotted the intruders. When one of them circled, Janus jumped between it and her and took the brunt of the spells while slashing it with his sword. He had no form or style with the sword, but his strength brought an effective end to the attack.
"You may have saved our lives with your exceptional hearing, Janus. I was startled when you grabbed me, but would not have seen them had you not acted. We are lucky that Alix has led us to the north, for the Fire Daemon are found more in the south of this maze of forest." Melisande whispered.
The Medusa attacks increased as they made their way further into the murky blackness of the forest. The maze created by the hedgerows moved and shifted at their approach, hindering progress; and the blackened trees would come to life as they neared, waving as if luring them into a trap of their making. Each step brought the roots to life and their slithering unnerved Janus, fearing at any moment they would encircle his leg and drag him under the filthy bog that reeked of decomposing matter.
Janus's hearing had become acute from his tension, and he was able to distinguish the slight breaths of the Medusa above the groaning of the trees and the moans and cries for help that were still well ahead of them. Each time he detected the sound of a hesitant breath he was able to put Melisande on her guard before the Medusa felt their presence.
Memories of moves he had learned in combat training began slowly returning as he watched Melisande's instinctive use of them; and his confidence grew with each battle until the Fire Daemon found them.
Janus heard it coming, felt the vibrations from it long before he thought it was close enough to detect them. Each footfall sounded like a low thunder in his ears and produced a ripple in the black bogwater. From the heavy sound he pictured a large Ogre or Minotaur, so was not prepared for the sight that met his eyes when he spotted the Fire Daemon.
It was gigantic, a dragon of massive proportions and blew a blackened film from charred nostrils that were large enough to hide an Ogre easily. Its mouth was partially opened displaying rows of jagged teeth, each tooth easily the size of himself.
Janus immediately grabbed Melisande on the shoulder, but the beast saw the movement and honed in on him instantly. It emitted a blast of fire that hit him before he could move. He let out a horrible scream as fire seared through him, burning with a terrible intensity that was increased even further by the weakness to fire that came with his vampirism.
For a few seconds he was helpless from the pain, and in those seconds his fangs extended and his eyes began to glow. The vampire emerged fully in an instant because of the pain, and he lunged at the beast with a terrible snarling sound, screaming for its blood. He dropped his sword and leapt on the creature with his bare hands, ripping and clawing it; then tearing into its flesh with his fangs.
Janus's cowl fell back in the viciousness of the attack, and Melisande got to see what was probably Maxical's last vision. It was horrifying.
Melisande was stunned by the difference between the gentle man of a few seconds before and the bloodthirsty beast that now tackled the enormous Fire Daemon. Pulling herself together she helped him kill it, picking up the sword he had dropped as he went at the giant Daedroth-like beast with his bare hands.
When it lay dead Melisande stood silently by, waiting to see if the attack would then turn onto herself. She had a fireball loaded and ready.
He looked frightening, like a mad demon. His eyes glowed with an eerie light; his fangs protruded from his mouth, dripping blood and flesh from where he had chewed into the creature. His sleeves were soaked red, and his hands looked like bloody claws, with pieces of the Fire Daemon still clinging to them.
He was visibly struggling to gain control back from the vampire. Melisande had backed away to run if needed, but saw he was beginning to succeed in the fight against his other nature.
"I am sorry you had to see that, it was the pain. Severe pain can bring it out before I can fight it. I would not hurt you, the fireball is not necessary." Janus was not fully back to himself yet.
Melisande stopped him when he started to continue forward, shaking her head no. "You cannot search for her soul like that. Wait until you are fully yourself again. I will not let her see that again. From the look frozen on her face I am positive that is what she saw before she died. If there is a chance of her ever seeing it again, I will stop the search right here and now. Alix is frightened as well, he is shaking like a leaf. You must find a way to ensure you never allow that to happen in her presence, and I hope to never see it again myself. You truly are two very different people within yourself, and I wonder if it is safe to revive her knowing she will be with you after this. You lost control once with her, what is to say it won't happen again?"
"If she is no longer a virgin, the vampire will go away. Only rage or pain will bring it out, and she could never hurt me, it is not in her."
"So you plan to deflower her as your method of controlling yourself? And what of the pain she may cause if she leaves you? Or the rage she may cause if she chooses another over you? I find I may be having second thoughts about helping you."
"She loves me. There is no other. She lived with me for months, I read her thoughts. She thought of me exclusively. And she dropped a heavy mallet on my foot which was excruciating, the vampire never emerged that I could not control till she was bleeding, and ran to me hugging me. That is how her blood got on my cloak. I think it was the surprise. She had been invisible, and I could smell her strongly, but the vampire had not emerged. When she ran up and hugged me, her invisibility spell was dispelled, and I saw the blood so close while smelling it. Still I fought it while she begged me to heal her. I could not do that, not the way my powers call for me to heal her. It would have put her blood in my face, caused me to touch it. I fought healing her quite a while, then suddenly I was overwhelmed and could fight no more."
"But you could have jumped on your horse and left, sending a healer to her before you returned. You chose to stay there knowing it was tempting the vampire."
"I should have left, you are right. She even told me to and I didn't. I have no excuse that would explain why I stayed when I knew I was a danger to her. I was a fool, and will never put her in danger again. But she loves me and I love her. It is not a deflowering, but a consummation of our love that I seek. And that will send the vampire away, she will never have to worry again. I have not sought to put a love spell on her, which I could have. Her feelings are genuine, not brought on by my powers."
"Why do you seek only your blood in her veins?"
"Because I am an Immortal. It is the only way to ensure she not die after the reanimation. Whole or not, she will live forever until that blood supply is completely replaced. By that time, I hope she will have accepted my gift. I am here for an eternity, I could not face it without her."
"Does she know this? Has she agreed to eternal life?"
"No. She knows nothing of my vampire nature."
"She may remember it, the last time she saw you. She may have a memory that comes with her resurrection."
"NO! I cannot let her remember that horror! I must be allowed to erase it from her memory as you bring the life back into her. You will let me do that, will you not?"
Melisande hesitated. "Only for her sake would I allow it. Not to protect you from her memories."
"I understand, and I agree for whatever reason, as long as you allow me to erase that. Please do not bring her back with that in her memory."
Melisande looked hard into his eyes, as if searching their red depths for an answer. "We can start off again, you should replace your cowl before we do." She said finally, as if ending the discussion.
They began to come across the souls of the lost in the forest, anguished crying and pleading for direction. Janus was becoming ill from the thought that Maxical roamed in this stinking place that was more a hell than anything he had ever imagined. He wanted to scream Maxical's name and bring her to them that they need not keep wading past the despair and rotting filth of the place.
Suddenly Alix popped his head out and began squeaking loudly. Melisande plucked him out of her pocket instantly, holding him to her lips and telling him to hush before he brought a beast down on them. Alix pointed with his nose, and Melisande began heading in that direction but didn't have far to go before they found the soul of Maxical.
She leaned against one of the trees, no more than a watery slip of silver with confusion and sadness emanating from her. Melisande had never met her but knew instantly it was she, just as Janus and Alix recognized what they felt coming from that silvery shape.
Melisande pocketed Alix and held Janus back from running toward Maxical, silencing him with her hand over his mouth when he would have called out the name. She reached inside the small leather pouch and pulled out the large black soul gem and quickly cast a soul trap spell. The silvery shape disappeared, and the gem filled up with a smoky pattern that moved within its glistening depths.
Melisande gently placed the gem back in the leather pouch and tied it tightly shut, then placed it back against her heart with the greatest of care. Her heart felt a fluttering as the sack with the soul gem touched the skin under it, surprising Melisande. Nothing like that had ever happened before. She placed her hands over her briast and cradled the sack that lay inside her bra, feeling its warmth through the leather and through her dress; overtaken by the odd sensation of it being a child in her womb, the first subtle sensations of a quickening of life within her, yet the soul gem was still, and the sensation was her own heart responding to it. A protective feeling suddenly surged within her toward the girl who she had come to resurrect. She eyed Janus to see if any of her emotions had played out on her face, but he was staring at the spot Maxical's soul had disappeared from, confused by its disappearance.
"Come Janus, it is time to leave. Take both my hands that we may get out of this place."
Melisande had to force her hands to release the briast cushioning Maxical's soul in order to take Janus's hands.
"But where did she go? She was here a second ago, then just disappeared."
"Hush before you bring more monsters down upon us. Just take my hands." Melisande grabbed Janus's hands and began chanting.
The trees spun in an ugly kaleidoscope of blacks and grays, the heavy mist of stench still filling his nostrils even after the visions of the forest faded and he found himself standing in front of the cell once again with Traven staring through the bars at him.
Traven was demanding to know what was going on, and Janus was demanding to know where Maxical had disappeared to and why they left without her.
Melisande ignored them both; handing Alix over to the bodyguard and saying, "I want Alix placed in the room Janus has had made up for me."
Janus spun around. "No, I need Alix till Maxical is back, he must stay with me! I cannot take that room alone, without him."
"I need him to assist me with Maxical. He has been an invaluable help so far to me. You will have to do without him if you want me to perform this correctly." Melisande's voice remained soft and quiet, but the implication could not have been more clear.
Janus folded. "I will drink then, for I cannot be without them both and keep my sanity."
"You cannot drink, Janus. We need your blood to be rich." Traven's voice cut across the room like a whip. "Pull yourself together for Maxical's sake, we none of us would be having to do this but for your weakness."
Melisande stepped back, eyeing the cowl to see if rage would bring the vampire out, but instead his shoulders slumped.
"Do as you will then, and I won't drink. Please just hurry, for the delay and loneliness are driving me to madness."
"There will be no time for that, for we must away for Maxical's dagger." Melisande reminded him. "It is well night now, you should be safe for the trip."