As this is mALX the non-minx's story, she is of course free to represent Traven as a megalomaniac driven to destroy his pet cat. When he was five, he was a doddering old fool. Now he is nothing more than Chancellor Ocato's six-crazed hedonist who bothers Raminus Polus. And Jauffre is a bloodthirsty psychopath! Muhahahahaha!

....Uh.... ROFL !!! - just kidding.
Oh, I couldn't remember whether he knew about the giant black soul gem before he sent the mages or what.
Actually, Traven does spend an inordinate amount of time sleeping in all my 360 games, but he is always nice when he is up, even when I go into his bedroom and wake him constantly. Like you said, like a kindly old uncle. (in my PC game he has lost 20 years, and his long silver hair is tied back in a pony tail, ROFL !!)
@ Hauteecole Rider - I thought that was a good match, unless the player goes into either's bedroom they will never know if they are really in there by themselves, lol !!
Chapter 56: Melisande and JanusJanus pulled himself up and staggered to the doorway, the sound of shrieking was echoing from within and getting louder, coming closer. Just as the cement slab was sliding into place a clawed hand shot out and clutched his sleeve. There was the sound of crunching bones, and then a horrible scream was heard coming through the huge slab. He jerked back from the hand but it remained clinging to his sleeve, the arm dangling freely below, severed at the forearm.
With a roar Janus ripped the clawed hand from his arm. He backed away from the mangled arm that lay in a small puddle of its own blood and the spray of blood that painted one side of the cement slab doorway. Heaving, he staggered across the lawn of the courtyard and collapsed on the grass.
"Melisande, what happened in there? What was all that? I thought she may die, I was prepared for that. But that was?nothing like I expected. What was that?"
"Janus, your wife died long ago. Either in the attack itself, or thereabouts from the condition of her decomposition. Her soul was gone long ago. The only thing that kept her alive was the vampire. What you saw die happened over 50 years ago, but was held in time till we released the vampire from her body. You have been caring for a corpse all these years. You can rest easy that you did the right thing."
"But what about me? Did I die then as well? Is that all I am, a rotting, stinking mound of decomposition? How do I know that is not me too? For the first time since a few years after the attack I feel vile. And I am wanting to marry one of purity and innocence, will I taint her? When I put my blood in her will she be thus as well? We know she is dead now, will I only be bringing her to that?" The horror was evident in Janus's voice.
"You are immortal, so unless you want the cure, we will never know. Your wife had no soul, we would have seen it if she had. As long as she was alive there was no way to know, only in death is it revealed when one's soul has slipped before the body follows. It was a good thing you released yourself from that. It will be different with Maxical than it was with Rona. Remember, we have her soul."
"Are you sure we have Maxical's soul? It disappeared. Then we left. Where is it?" Janus's tone clearly showed his skepticism.
Melisande hesitated. "I have it. It is trapped in a soul gem. I will show you, but you cannot tell Traven about this."
"I thought soul gems were just for animals, how were you able to do it?" Janus sat up and leaned over, watching her remove a leather satchel from the front of her dress and untie it.
She held out her hand with a large black stone in it that seemed to gleam in the gathering dusk of the evening till he leaned in for a closer look. A thread of silver moved in its depths.
"What is that? I've never seen a soul gem that looked like that before. Why is it black?" Suspicion clouded Janus's voice.
"This is a black soul gem. It is used for mortal souls." Melisande said, the challenge clear in her tone.
"A black soul gem? Isn't that what necromancers use? Oh dear Gods what are we doing?" Janus pressed his thumb hard into his brow as if he was struggling against accepting what Melisande was telling him, creating a deep furrow in the cowl where his thumb creased into it.
"We are bringing Maxical back in the only way it can be done." Melisande used her words like a whip to cut across the hysteria she could hear rising in his voice. It had the desired effect; Janus visibly calmed, his shoulders slumped as if resigned to what they must do.
"Are you sure the soul is hers? Can I hold it? ? Please." Janus reached his hand out.
Melisande hesitated. "Do it no harm. It is her only chance."
"I won't?please." Janus pulled his cowl back, looking into her face as he asked.
Melisande looked deeply into his eyes, for once seeing them without the cowl there to obscure her reading of them. How important it was to him could be seen in those depths. She carefully placed the soul gem in Janus's outstretched hand.
"It feels warm?the warmth positively emanates from it!" Janus held the stone close to his face, his voice filled with awe. "What is that? It looks like smoke moves within the stone!"
"That is her soul. It lives in there, waiting for us to release it back into her body." Melisande said softly, watching him.
Tears began rolling down Janus's face as he watched the silvery movements within the soul gem.
"I am so sorry Maxical. I never meant to hurt you." He whispered to the gem in his hand.
His tears began dropping onto the gem, and he tried to wipe it dry again on his velvet robe.
He stopped suddenly, moving the stone away from his chest. "What was that?" He asked, sounding slightly stunned.
He moved the stone back to his chest and held it over his heart. "Just now when the stone was over my heart, it leapt. Not the stone, my heart. What caused that?"
Melisande was surprised, but not pleased that he had the same reaction she did to the soul gem being close to her heart. She wondered what it meant too.
"Give it to me! It may be stressful for her to be so close to the one who killed her! You have not wiped her soul's memory. Give it back to me now!" Melisande could not be sure why she felt such a strong anger over Janus feeling the same reaction she had, but suddenly she couldn't stand the thought of Janus holding Maxical's soul in his hands.
Janus kissed the stone and whispered "I'm so sorry," before gently placing it in Melisande's palm.
She carefully put it away in its pouch and tucked it against her heart again, wishing she had never let him hold it.
With an edge she couldn't keep from her voice Melisande prompted Janus. "The screaming has stopped in the crypt now, or the duenna has moved away from the door. You must end that Janus. It is the last vestige of the evil that overtook your wife. You have to end it."
"How did you know about the duenna? I never knew and I saw her regularly all these years, yet you knew in minutes with all that going on, How?" Janus had not moved to rise; instead he leaned back, watching as Melisande responded.
"Janus, did you never wonder how the duenna could have been your wife's childhood nanny, raise her; and yet still be caring for her over 50 years later, never aging? Did you never wonder why she didn't age?" Melisande asked, knowing the answer.
"I never really thought about it." That he knew his answer was inadequate was reflected in his voice.
"Janus, you have isolated yourself because of the vampirism, I understand that. But you have isolated much more than your body. You are so wrapped up in yourself that you see nothing that goes on around you. It does not seem to be ego, but rather a total neglect of thought towards anything that you don't perceive as being importantly related to you. It is an enormous flaw for one who is responsible for running a whole county full of citizens. It is also a terrible flaw to bring into a relationship. Unless you can change that about you I would not feel good regarding the child's future with you." Melisande kept her tone soft, but her words had an obvious impact on Janus.
"Do you not think all that has happened in the past week has created a change in me? I feel I will never be the same again after the things I have seen and done. Maybe because Rona and I didn't age normally, maybe I just never noticed the duenna didn't. You can't base how I would treat Maxical on my not noticing the duenna aging. Maxical was very happy with me." His tone was defensive.
"I think you would do whatever it took to have her with you forever whether it would be what she would want or not. If she comes back and decides she wants to leave, will you let her go without casting any spell over her? You are insisting on your blood, but what about when her supply cleans that out? Will you not burn for her to have your gift?" Melisande was unable to keep the anger or derision from her voice.
"I have not before, nor won't use the spell on her. I want her to come of her own free will. Of course I want her to spend eternity with me; but I will not press what she doesn't want on her. That I have vowed long before today."
That this was the truth was evident in his voice, but seemed to inflame Melisande even further.
"You talk high and mighty for one who murdered her because you could not stop yourself from drinking her blood. I would rather you have cast the spell and taken the virginity from her than kill her, but either would be taking from her something she did not willingly give you. She obviously trusted you, and you were not worthy of that trust. How then should I trust you at your word to help you bring her back?" She spat the words at him, her eyes burning into his cowl.
"Are you saying you will not help me because I didn't notice the duenna's age? I do not understand." A note of panic had crept into his voice. "You are my only hope to get Maxical back, I need you Melisande! I can't change what I did that day, don't you realize I think of what I should have done differently every second of each day?"
"My only real concern is the child. I am not saying I won't save her. I am saying the child will stay with me till I see how you act and how she feels about it. I won't bring her back just to throw her to the man who murdered her. You are paying me to bring her back to life, not give her to you." Melisande was struggling to control herself, still not understanding why she was fighting with him over the child instead of just accepting the Septims she could well use.
"Then you must stay here at the castle, for I don't want her over there at Drakelowe where I will never see her." His relief that she still intended to save Maxical was evident in his voice.
"I will agree to that. But she stays in my room, and if you call her to your suite I come as well." Melisande had her anger under control now, her tone was firm, but her voice had gone back to its usual soft lilt.
"The bodyguard is perfectly capable as a chaperone. Don't forget she lived with me for months and I never touched her. Also, she will be a vampire for some time afterward. You may be glad of my assistance. She cannot kill me, nor turn me like Rona did the duenna."
"We will make those arrangements as they arise. That crypt may be just the spot to keep her while the vampire blood runs in her. It will need to be thoroughly cleaned though." Melisande backed down, unsure why she had started the fight in the first place, it wasn't the first time she had helped someone she despised. There was something about Maxical's soul that was affecting her.
"I will see that it gets done. Hal-Liurz can make all the arrangements for Rona's burial and put the notice in the Black Horse Courier. That will keep me freed up so we can concentrate on getting Maxical back as soon as possible."
"You know if you get even a scratch from that duenna we will not be able to use any of your blood. We will be forced to use mine or Traven's. I would prefer mine, since Traven has been sixually active in recent days. No telling whether he contracted any germs. Especially with the filth inside that cell. You should have at least offered them an urn to relieve themselves, Janus. Or a clean mattress. Or have someone clean the cell. These are gentle people, not criminal scum. There is no excuse for how you have been treating them."
"Dear Gods, I had just never thought of any of that! I will see that all those things are taken care of as well." Janus shifted uncomfortably.
"Well you are a total idiot if you didn't. That is Arch Mage Traven, a highly respected official for the Arcane University, and that little Marie is a Priestess of Healing at the Chapel of Arkay. How can you be so insensitive to other people's needs? Do you even feed them? That is why I assumed you meant to kill them, for if you ever release them your little house of cards you spent your life building will be tumbling very rapidly. Not that I am suggesting you kill them at all. I suggest you start treating them with the respect their station in life should be shown, whether you continue to hold them prisoner or not."
"I'm sure my staff has been bringing them food, but I will see to it that they are given whatever meals I receive. I am sure the jailor cleans their cell."
"Not true. It was not clean when I arrived, and has not been cleaned since. Would you live in that? It is a testament to them that they have not made your lack of accommodations known to you themselves."
"Well if they had I would have put it to rights immediately."
"Have you no eyes? Doesn't that vampire nose give you a sensitivity to smell? Why should they need to complain to get the basics of comfort? Maybe they never complained because they assumed you meant to kill them when this was over." Melisande's eyes bored into the cowl.
"You act like you don't believe I will let them live when this is over. It's true, I never thought about these things. The situation with Maxical has consumed my mind?I assumed my staff?but I will take charge of this situation, their comfort will be a top priority. I am sorry."
"Don't apologize to me, apologize to them. I won't let you treat me badly enough that any apologies will ever need to be made to me." Melisande said, still staring directly into his cowl.
"No doubt." Janus muttered turning his head nervously as if her piercing eyes had unnerved him.