Like I said in the previous thread, this sounds absolutely amazing to me and I can't wait to try it out.
As has been thoroughly discussed previously, I just want the sleep/saves and to a lesser extent the fast travel to be optional. My game periodically crashes and I also periodically encounter bugs that necessitate reloading. If the last time I slept was an hour ago, I'm losing all of that progress if my game crashes or bugs out. I've been playing the game on Survival basically since launch. The challenge has nothing to do with it. I'm not worried about losing my progress if I -die-. I'm worried about losing my progress because of buggy software. I have a frequent issue with the Pip-boy and my weapons not appearing. The only way of fixing this that has worked for me is saving and reloading the game. If I'm out exploring and my weapon decides to not render, I'm just out of luck. I've gotta go find a bed to save, and then reload the game. If this happens while I'm in combat, then I'm really out of luck. This happens to me at least once every couple of days. Losing a bunch of game progress every couple of days because of buggy software would really detract from my enjoyment of the game.
I'm not as hardcoe as some of you. That's fine. I don't need to prove anything to anyone. I just want to enjoy the game. Make this optional.
Option A - You can only save upon sleeping
Option B - You can save manually, but only while outside of combat and not while in a dungeon with live enemies. In the event of death, you roll back to your last sleep save
The only reason I want this to be optional is because Bethesda games are buggy. I'm not opposed to this idea. I'm opposed to having it in this specific game because of my experience with crashes and bugs. From what I've seen, the majority of us want this to be an option. I really don't understand why so many people are so adamantly resisting this. Make it a checkmark that can't be changed after starting the game. If you choose hardcoe mode with only sleep/saves, then that's what you're stuck with. If you change anything, you don't have the option of changing it back. This would prevent people who want sleep/saves from being tempted to lower the difficulty temporarily, and it would allow those of us who don't want sleep/saves to play the game the way we want to play it as well.
This would be an incredibly easy thing to implement. Most of us who want 99% of the stuff in this mode, but not sleep/saves are just going to install a mod to change it anyway. Why not just integrate it into the mode in the first place?