One with limited fuel and is kind of slow but faster than swimming, one you can use hop to different places to avoid conflicts as you can't fast travel. You could make the fuel scarse and need to salvage parts to keep it going.
One with limited fuel and is kind of slow but faster than swimming, one you can use hop to different places to avoid conflicts as you can't fast travel. You could make the fuel scarse and need to salvage parts to keep it going.
nah that would just look silly as the world isn't built for it and the bike would travel slower than a moped,. Boats going slower is more normal and water is even.
Doesn't need it. Tons of stimpacks, radx and radaway laying around. Hit k - r - e and you can pretty much swim anywhere without taking any rads or damage.
true but a boat would be fun and you can still look around and shoot in a boat
I swim pretty damn fast.. of course I took aqua girl so I could play in the water.. I wouldn't say it's ever a necessary perk but it was really fun exploring all the underwater zones. Too bad there's nothing down there that can kill you. I was at first afraid to go in the water because of those killer porpoise looking things all over the beach. I was really sad to discover none in the water. Hopefully a dlc adds those things into the ocean. I want water danger!
If you are on PC, there is a for that.
I'm betting Aqua Boy/Girl is going to be really useful in Far Harbor.
It's quite possibe Far Harbor may provide us with our own permanent boat, it is on the Art after all. That is how the DLC may begin, we need to salvage a working boat first to get to FH
if it won't then half of f4 fanbase will babyrage into oblivion lmao
Yeah, I saw the dolphin/whale things and the sea monster quest and didn't want to go in the water after that lol
Or it'll go exactly as Point Lookout did and we'll just activate boat and fast travel there lol my money is on that
OK, than a patrol boat from like Apocalypse Now. That'd be awesome.
Even snipers rarely travel alone, despite what you might see in Holywood movies.
Combined arms is always best.
My character is already like a female Michael Phelps lol
Why use a boat when a certain faction has a technology that surpasses all conventional forms of travel?
Yeah we need a small boat as a settlement. Obviously you're not going to be able to put much on it but it'll let me sit around in a padded blue jacket, blue bandanna and brandishing a machete while saying "You know the thing about a mirelurk? He's got these black eyes, lifeless eyes like a dolls eyes..."
Be honest, you know you would. I'm not the only one.
Heck you can even find a random encounter (at least I think its random) somewhere along the river at Beantown Brewery that pays homage to the movie. Jump on the boat to find a skeleton with a blue bandanna and machete with one of those mutant dolphin things on the deck.