We'll be going for a time frame of 15 years after the bombs fall. The plan being that we'll all be, not wealthy, but well-off people who could afford to build a suitable shelter to last that long. Once we all meet, which will have to be established a bit later, that is when we become a group. And we're not going to right off the bat say, "Hey guys, lets build a town out of a movie theater!" Just to let you fellas know.
I may be getting ahead of myself, but this is what I have in mind. We all emerge from our shelters in Belton, Texas. We know only that bombs fell, and we've been underground for a [censored]-ton of time, only going out maybe twice to see the outside and perhaps try to find food. But we know nothing of the now warped city around us. We all meet (again, must be established) and we wander. Eventually we head uphill to the top of the plateau and see the Warren. We go inside and say, "Hey, not bad?!" Then WE settle inside, as its massive and very well built. 5 years later, the vaults open, this is where our true story comes into play.
Some become raiders, others come to us. How does that sound, once again, everyone is
involved in this RP, meaning all input will be important.
We wants to make everyone 'appy, don'ts we precious!