To recap:
Settlement: Ruins on a plateau in Texas(near a lake, perhaps?)
Order: Mostly democracy, Jonas having the final say.
Other: Possible oil crisis/situation
That's what we have been basically arguring about this whole page, and everything is still waiting for Jonas's say.
On another note, is the economy going be like. Me and DB have been talking about this. Will it rise and fall depending on situations, like an enemy attack or when a trading route is struck with another town. What will are currency be like? I was suggesting using ammo and valuables for trade. Like a certain amount of bullets for a certain amount of food. Seems logical in a Wasteland.
Also, as we progress as town, others we'll start popping up. We were one of the firsts so there going to look at us for guidance or as a threat. Some may want attack us, some may wnat alliances. But by accepting said alliance we make another town hostile. This all stuff we should be thinking about and discussing.
So once Jona's agrees or solves the location and order problems, we should move onto this.