Thanks for your thoughts HeyYou, but I wanted these Guild Halls (Yah many of them) to have NPCs in them and it would look weird if they wandered around the mountains aimlessly. I can make them invisible, but how do I turn off the spell if they are a certain distance away from the building's perimeter? Yes a noobish question, but a necessary one. Also if I disable and re-enable the buildings, all the stuff inside would reset too right? This would defeat the purpose of my mod. Thanks again!
If the NPCs are inside of the building, they won't appear to be wandering around aimlessly.

If they're outside, maybe you can tweak the idea and make it so that the character has to find a sort of portal that leads to a separate worldspace?
For what HeyYou suggested, you'd use a script that detects how far away the player is and activates/deactivates the building based on that. It should be fairly simple, but I'm not a scripting expert myself.