» Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:01 pm
First of all, minigames or not is a matter of induvidual taste. You either like them or you dont. Some people want less player skill some want more. That being said, here's my opinion.
As far as roleplaying goes, when a skill is completely relying on chance, and the characters skill improving those odds, it removes the feeling that you are the character, not playing it, especially if you keep reloading until it works. Even if you dont, it still feels unfair to go to jail because of rolling the dice. Only reason I approve of adding more depths to pickpocketing is because it is too faint as it is.
Looking at the lockpicking minigame, that made it possible to unlock the hardest lock in the game right off the bat clearly had it's flaws, because it practically completely removed character skill. Nevertheless it was a great minigame according to me, I never really got bored of it, unlike the conversation minigame, that you got bored of pretty much the first time you ever played it. It was easier to complete, but also had character skill involved that limits the maximal points you can get.
I really think pickpocketing should have more to it than your quickload skills. I like the idea from OP with the size of the red bar, not only because it applies player skill, but mainly because it lets you see how hard it is to pickpocket someone before you actually attempt to, assuming you can abort the mingame without as hard consequenses if you notice that the guy is way out of your league.
My thought here is to apply a minigame that lets you both see how hard it will be to pickpocket the guy, and also it can give you some sense of if the guy has very valuable things to steal or not. Once the minigame is opened you can then choose to abort it with a lot smaller chance of getting detected, than choosing to actually try and pickpocket the guy. If you fail, it will feel more fair to get to jail than before and will hopefully reduce qickload actions, and if you succeed it will feel more of an accomplishment.
EITHER WAY, for those who hate minigames there can always be an option to just remove it, either as in oblivions picklock, or an actual option in the gameplay option menu where you can turn on or off certain minigames. I know it doesnt really work for those who hate minigames, because they know there are there anyway, but honestly there is not other way to satisfy both sides more than that. And since one side is willing to have both, and the other demands to remove minigames completely, it makes more sense to have both.
TL;DR --> pickpocketing svcks as it is, why not try and add something to it?