and that movied probably made most of its money from the name alone and then theres how good the movie actually turned out to be.
so with the name alone and the right director ( i would say go with peter jackson maker of LOTR ) oblivion would or could be a bad ass movie.
these 2 fan fics right here could make ( if you were to go by my each movie being 3 hours or more and being 2 or 3 movies ) a good 4 -6 movies
fanfic 1. His Claim to Fame
which is about the notn quest line which is set some thing like 5 years before the oblivion main quest. it really good if any one gets the chance you should check it out.
fanfic 2. Closing The Jaws
which is about the oblivion main quest. also really good even tho its not finished. but it starts with main character escaping from prison and all that and ends with martin ariving at cloud ruler temple and giving his speach and all that. which that right there would be the perfect first of a three part movie based on the oblivion main quest line.
now each of the 2 are pretty much the same story. they have the same characters and all that. but its one character that is the primary main character in the first part ( his claim to fame ). and then the second part ( closing the jaws) is a different primary main character but both characters are in each story. so you kinda have to read the first one to get parts and characters who are in the secound one.
for those of you that take the time to read them or at least one of them. or perferably closing the jaws let me know what you would think about 1 or both of them being made into a movie. well thats also assuming that the person who wrote them would let some one make them into a movie.
i personally ( if they made an elder scrolls movie ) would love it if they took those 2 fan fics and made them into a movie.