New to The Fallout Series

Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:23 am

Hey, what's up guys? This is my first post as I am new to the forums. I just had a couple questions I wanted to ask you about Fallout New Vegas, as I just got it from gamefly. I've been reading older threads and am really impressed with how much you guys know about this game. I would really appreciate as many replies as I can get from you guys, as I enjoy reading what you have to say.

So, first off I just got this game from gamefly about three days ago. The more research I do, the more I realize this is probably not a rental type of game. So I was wondering if you guys think I should just hit the "keep it" button since I feel like I am probably going to be spending countless hours into this game. At least I hope the game keeps me entertained for that long :P And also should I go pick up Fallout 3? I saw it for ten bucks the other day :woot:

Also, this is the first Fallout game I have played. I mostly play the COD series and all the Guitar Hero's and Rock Bands. Ive always heard really good things about Fallout, but thought it was too slow paced for me. I just started playing and really am enjoying the game a lot so far. I was just curious, is there any background information I need to know about this game? Like do the other Fallout games story have anything to do with this story? Also, if you were interested in replying, I was wondering if you could give me a little background on the story and the characters from this game. I'm trying to follow along with the story as much as possible, but get kind of annoyed trying to read every little thing a person says.

And most importantly, since this is my first time playing it what do you guys suggest for what type of skills and perks I should go after in order to have the most fun with this game? Also, which faction should I go with? I know everyone says NCR a lot on here, but I'm also liking the things I here about the Mr. House guy. Idk just some questions some of you veterans might enjoy answering for someone new to Fallout like myself. Thanks a lot guys and I look forward to recieving any suggestions you have. :smile:
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:40 pm

welcome to the forums! :cookie:

first off, DEFINITELY KEEP IT! lol this has become my favorite game of all time over the months of playing it, definitely not a rental type :tongue:

fallout 3 for 10 bucks is definitely a steal man. i'm not gonna go in depth on the pros and cons of New Vegas vs. Fallout 3 (there will doubtlessly be dozens of those posts) but 10 bucks you can't go wrong!

the setting of New Vegas is similar and related to the first two fallout games, which were isometric CRPGs and i never really played them back in the day. Since playing new vegas though, i've got 1 & 2 and am just totally engrossed in the story. thats why this game has cast such a powerful spell over me...i LOVE this story and the setting.
if you wanna explore the story and lore of the Fallout world, i suggest going on the Fallout wiki which is called "The Vault". just google that if you don't know about it already. pretty much everrything you could need to know about the story :)

as for which faction you should go with, honestly just wing it your first time man. chances are you'll be playing and beating this game more than once (im on playthrough number 5, all of them over 60 hours) so just get a feel for the lay off the land this time. if you go a certain way and dislike it, you'll be better informed your next go round. just feel it, experience it, and have fun. i know you will! :foodndrink:
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:40 am

Hey, what's up guys? This is my first post as I am new to the forums. I just had a couple questions I wanted to ask you about Fallout New Vegas, as I just got it from gamefly. I've been reading older threads and am really impressed with how much you guys know about this game. I would really appreciate as many replies as I can get from you guys, as I enjoy reading what you have to say.

So, first off I just got this game from gamefly about three days ago. The more research I do, the more I realize this is probably not a rental type of game. So I was wondering if you guys think I should just hit the "keep it" button since I feel like I am probably going to be spending countless hours into this game. At least I hope the game keeps me entertained for that long :P And also should I go pick up Fallout 3? I saw it for ten bucks the other day :woot:

Also, this is the first Fallout game I have played. I mostly play the COD series and all the Guitar Hero's and Rock Bands. Ive always heard really good things about Fallout, but thought it was too slow paced for me. I just started playing and really am enjoying the game a lot so far. I was just curious, is there any background information I need to know about this game? Like do the other Fallout games story have anything to do with this story? Also, if you were interested in replying, I was wondering if you could give me a little background on the story and the characters from this game. I'm trying to follow along with the story as much as possible, but get kind of annoyed trying to read every little thing a person says.

And most importantly, since this is my first time playing it what do you guys suggest for what type of skills and perks I should go after in order to have the most fun with this game? Also, which faction should I go with? I know everyone says NCR a lot on here, but I'm also liking the things I here about the Mr. House guy. Idk just some questions some of you veterans might enjoy answering for someone new to Fallout like myself. Thanks a lot guys and I look forward to recieving any suggestions you have. :smile:

Welcome to the Forums!!!!

I don't really like to say what Fallout Game I think is better, since there are alot
But the two current are Fallout 3 and New Vegas

New Vegas is one of my favorite games and so is Fallout 3

Fallout New Vegas is alot like Fallout 3, but it adds and removes things. I can't say which is better because I love them both and dislike them in certain ways, but New Vegas and Fallout 3 are both great games. I would recommend buying both of them, and even purchasing DLC's. So far, once again in my opinion, Honest Hearts is my favorite Download for New Vegas. My Favorite from Fallout 3 has to be Broken Steel.

As for Factions in New Vegas, it really depends what your opinion of the Mojave and how you want to handle the things that are going on. But NCR is a great choice, Personally, Legion is my favorite faction with all there evil, but I've completed one Legion Playthrough, and I didn't like it. Mr. House isin't a bad choice either. It's all up to you to be honest, I can state my facts and opinions on everything. But It's your choice, that's why it's an RPG.
Now on to Perks and Skills. It's based on how you want to build your character. I'd recommend keeping all your specials at 5, as in not lowering them, but you can raise them to whatever you wish, but once again it's up to you. You get to tag three skills, now If you a beginner, tag Guns. The rest are up to you. The Guns skill is one of the best in the game, and really helps to get it high when you are just starting out. I can't really say much about perks, because it's based on how you build your character.

I can say so much more on opinions and what I think is best. But it's always up you. You had the right Idea asking for tips on the forums since your a begginer. Also, keep your difficulty on Easy or Very Easy until you get the hang of the game. But that is up to you as well.

Have Fun! Welcome to the Forums again!!
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:31 am

There's definitely history with Fallout and the various forums here can help you with that along with the Wiki. You don't need to know it deeply to play each Fallout game. They can stand alone. I'd suggest that you just play and follow your instincts and come back and ask if you feel stuck on something. People here love to help each other. Welcome. :)

Yes, it's a keeper. FO3 for $10, you can't go wrong. Each game has pros and cons depending on the person talking about them. I love them both. Every game should never be the same so I enjoy the differences and the similarities.

I can stretch my FNV to 150 hours or do it faster. It depends on how many quests you want to do and how much exploration. I love the exploration part still and I'm on my 8th game. Have fun and good luck! Watch out for those Deathclaws. :D
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:26 pm

Thanks guys I really appreciate all the feedback. I think I am gonna keep this, and also go pick up Fallout 3. I mean ten bucks, its def a no brainer, especially if its as epic as everyone says it is. I just started the game, but my dude is really smart and a good talker pretty decent with guns. That's about it so far. I like the idea of manipulating people :biggrin: Thanks again for all the feedback, Id love to hear what everyone else has to say about it :goodjob:

Oh ya and those deathclaws svck! I ran into my first the other day like on Primm Hills or something, I thought it was just a big gecko so I went after him. He killed me in one hit, and I lost like over an hour of play time. Made me so sad :cry:
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:59 am

Oh yea. I should have added this to my post. Save often, clean, hard saves in new slots. It's just what you have to do with these open world games. They can have lots of bugs no matter the system and the Gamebryo engine is older but not so old that you can't play for hours without problems. It's just that they happen, so save often. I do and I just deal with any problems. Since the FNV patches, there haven't been as many at all. Good luck. :)
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:27 pm

Thanks guys I really appreciate all the feedback. I think I am gonna keep this, and also go pick up Fallout 3. I mean ten bucks, its def a no brainer, especially if its as epic as everyone says it is. I just started the game, but my dude is really smart and a good talker pretty decent with guns. That's about it so far. I like the idea of manipulating people :biggrin: Thanks again for all the feedback, Id love to hear what everyone else has to say about it :goodjob:

Oh ya and those deathclaws svck! I ran into my first the other day like on Primm Hills or something, I thought it was just a big gecko so I went after him. He killed me in one hit, and I lost like over an hour of play time. Made me so sad :cry:

Yeah I love to help people out on stuff like this.

I forgot to add that save a lot, LIKE ALOT because if you are playing for a few hours and you die or the game freezes, you would hate to lose all that data.

As for Deathclaws, At the beginning to Primm, I never saw any that's weird. If you see it, avoid until you think you can bring it down. I'd recommend grabbing Boone or Cass on your way to the strip. Boone is an NCR guy but Cass isin't really.

Boone is in Novac, and when you get to Nipton, a person will tell you to do something, go to where it says to do it and Cass is there. In the barracks area.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:43 am

I suggest getting fallout 3 instead, it gives a more fallout feel.

New Vegas was a let down for some of us who are not interested in hoover dam or, more specifically; New Vegas, Mr House, Legion, NCR.

Vengeance is a rare trait in people, people mistake anger for vengeance and in fallout new vegas your character is predesposed with the vengeance trait.
In fallout 3 however, it has much more mystery to it.

You look for your dad who left a vault.
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:20 am

I was just curious, is there any background information I need to know about this game? Like do the other Fallout games story have anything to do with this story?
There is quite a lot of background information, and most of it comes from the first two games. There is a wiki that list a small encyclopedia worth of info (some 13,000+ entries), but I would not recommend reading it just yet as its overflowing with spoilers; nor do you need any of it, or past experience with any other Fallout game to play New Vegas.

It suffices to know this... The Fallout setting is an alternate Earth.
(Technically of the if you ever played that RPG ~but that's irrelevant to the current games... Fallout never shipped as a GURPS product).

Fallout's world is the idealized future of their 1950's pop culture ~that really happened that way. All tech came to pass in the 50's idea of how it might be. The surprise was that their future world (The year 2077) got nuked to nothing in a global fight over Oil and natural resources. The world was laid to waste, and the few survivors there are have lived sheltered lives in bunkers or in harsh "Mad-Max" like conditions on the surface.

The laws of physics & reality are slightly skewed there, and some of their popular myths and fantasy are kind of real at times. Radiation can turn folks into green monsters occasionally.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:12 am

Everything you need to know about the but were to afraid to ask.
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:23 am

First of all, welcome to the forums and the world of Fallout. Have a

Fallout has a huge backstory. While there's no real direct link between games (FO and FO2 is as direct as it gets) there's a lot of recurring elements. For those, I recommend doing some reading in Fallout wiki aka

The game has an overwhelming amount of content for someone new to this kind of thing. Accomplishing everything will take multiple characters. Be prepared to spend 40-50 hours on a single character.

There's 2 DLCs out as of moment, Dead Money and Honest Hearts. 2 more DLCs on the way; Old World Blues and Lonesome Road. Each add about 4-6 hours of gameplay at minimum.

I highly recommend getting the game, and getting it on PC. The modding community is huge and extremely active.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:55 am

A good resource to use if you ever need help is the It gives an immense amount of detail about the game as well as the Fallout universe. And welcome to the forums, here's a turtle. :turtle:
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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:06 am

If you enjoy New Vegas then odds are high you will also enjoy Fallout 3. FO 3 starts out slower, but is a touch more action packed over all.

However after reading your post I can honestly say Fallout 3 is as far back as you want to go. Fallout 1, 2, and tactics would probably not be... your cup of tea. After saying that its hard to sum up a person in just a few posts so I could be off, but I don't think I am.

I hope you enjoy Fallout, and I expect to see more of you around these forums!
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:00 am

I suggest getting fallout 3 instead, it gives a more fallout feel.

No, it gives a Fallout 3 feel, which is very different from the rest of the games.
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:12 am

No, it gives a Fallout 3 feel, which is very different from the rest of the games.

Thank Mako for correcting that post. It was horribly wrong before. :thumbsup:
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:50 am

Keep it

Get fo3 it is faster paced if that becomes and issue with fo nv

You have to read everything everyone says in game. Wiki provides a ton on info on fallout, fallout2, fallout tactics, and fo3.

The games are all connected in a way, but you don t have to know about the others to play any of them. The overall fallout story with the pre war timeline is genius.

Character builds are up to you, the pip boy will tell you what every skill and attribute does, so build how you want.

I run my first playthrough as me in that world with +10 balls, so I try to make a build and decisions based on how I would react to the givin situations presented by the fo world.

After that I made characters specifically to do things I did not do with my me character.

Finally I ve been doing D.I.D. (Dead Is Dead 1 life) playthroughs.
I m always sure to create a character for D.I.D. that has an inherent problem that will more than likely get them killed.

I recommend playing hard difficulty /hardcoe mode.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:03 am

I recommend not reading anything about the history of Fallout prior to playing Fallout 3. The game will teach you, and you don't wanna spoil the experience.
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:03 am

I don't know if the sale is still going but NV was $10 brand new at Best Buy when I went there earlier in the week. No matter what complaints you see, that is a steal for this game.
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darnell waddington
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:44 pm

Welcome to the family-eh, I mean forums:-) fallout is the type of gameseries which people fall in love with and will follow no matter what... I first got in to it after reading an article about fallout 3 about year or so prior to release. Got hooked, decided to pick up the first two as well.

Most of the lore is available at the wiki, but I recommend playing all the games, as they are all awesome and capturing in their own ways:-)

Regarding skills and perks, well, it IS a roleplaying game so choose whatever you want:-) would however recommend some weapon skills, medicine and maybe lockpicking since they come in handy from the start... ^^
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:18 am

All fallout games play in the same universe and there are cross-references that you won't get without having followed the game, but they're all fully functioning experiences on their own. Fallout 3 is definitely worth picking up aswell, although if i were you i'd look for the GOTY version as it has more content.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:31 am

welcome to the forums.Have a welcome cookie! :cookie:

Keep the game ffs im paying since i bought in january id recommend starting on normal and tagging guns lockpick and speech or medicine on ur first playthrough but once u think ur ready tag unarmed as its 4 me the funniest way to play and dont go to the wiki on ur 1st playthrough cuz it will ruin the story.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:04 pm

No just no unarmed until he's beat one playthrough atleast.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:42 am

I think that Vegas is, by far, a better RPG, but Fallout 3 might be a better intro for someone new to the world.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:44 am

Guess who went out and bought Fallout 3 today?! That's right, ME!!! :fallout: I am really excited, especially for only $8.99 :clap: It's not GOTY Edition, but you can't go wrong for 9 bucks :dance:

Anyways, what do you think? Should I put New Vegas down, and throw Fallout 3 in? Like I said I am new to the series, should I start on Fallout 3 before I get too far into New Vegas? Or should I keep just keep going with New Vegas, and start Fallout 3 when I finish? I just finished the quest called "They went that away" or something? The mission I'm on now is the one where I need to find Benny. Am I too far into it to stop now? What do you guys think?

BTW I am so excited for so much Fallout in my future, this game is crazy fun!!! :woot:
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James Smart
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:22 am

Um Well Fallout 3 is basically New Vegas besides the story. It adds Alot to it like mods and stuff. You can do whatever but I'd say Fallout 3 so you can see all the awesome things they added like reputation and all.
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