Hey, what's up guys? This is my first post as I am new to the forums. I just had a couple questions I wanted to ask you about Fallout New Vegas, as I just got it from gamefly. I've been reading older threads and am really impressed with how much you guys know about this game. I would really appreciate as many replies as I can get from you guys, as I enjoy reading what you have to say.
So, first off I just got this game from gamefly about three days ago. The more research I do, the more I realize this is probably not a rental type of game. So I was wondering if you guys think I should just hit the "keep it" button since I feel like I am probably going to be spending countless hours into this game. At least I hope the game keeps me entertained for that long

And also should I go pick up Fallout 3? I saw it for ten bucks the other day :woot:
Also, this is the first Fallout game I have played. I mostly play the COD series and all the Guitar Hero's and Rock Bands. Ive always heard really good things about Fallout, but thought it was too slow paced for me. I just started playing and really am enjoying the game a lot so far. I was just curious, is there any background information I need to know about this game? Like do the other Fallout games story have anything to do with this story? Also, if you were interested in replying, I was wondering if you could give me a little background on the story and the characters from this game. I'm trying to follow along with the story as much as possible, but get kind of annoyed trying to read every little thing a person says.
And most importantly, since this is my first time playing it what do you guys suggest for what type of skills and perks I should go after in order to have the most fun with this game? Also, which faction should I go with? I know everyone says NCR a lot on here, but I'm also liking the things I here about the Mr. House guy. Idk just some questions some of you veterans might enjoy answering for someone new to Fallout like myself. Thanks a lot guys and I look forward to recieving any suggestions you have.

Welcome to the Forums!!!!
I don't really like to say what Fallout Game I think is better, since there are alot
But the two current are Fallout 3 and New Vegas
New Vegas is one of my favorite games and so is Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas is alot like Fallout 3, but it adds and removes things. I can't say which is better because I love them both and dislike them in certain ways, but New Vegas and Fallout 3 are both great games. I would recommend buying both of them, and even purchasing DLC's. So far, once again in my opinion, Honest Hearts is my favorite Download for New Vegas. My Favorite from Fallout 3 has to be Broken Steel.
As for Factions in New Vegas, it really depends what your opinion of the Mojave and how you want to handle the things that are going on. But NCR is a great choice, Personally, Legion is my favorite faction with all there evil, but I've completed one Legion Playthrough, and I didn't like it. Mr. House isin't a bad choice either. It's all up to you to be honest, I can state my facts and opinions on everything. But It's your choice, that's why it's an RPG.
Now on to Perks and Skills. It's based on how you want to build your character. I'd recommend keeping all your specials at 5, as in not lowering them, but you can raise them to whatever you wish, but once again it's up to you. You get to tag three skills, now If you a beginner, tag Guns. The rest are up to you. The Guns skill is one of the best in the game, and really helps to get it high when you are just starting out. I can't really say much about perks, because it's based on how you build your character.
I can say so much more on opinions and what I think is best. But it's always up you. You had the right Idea asking for tips on the forums since your a begginer. Also, keep your difficulty on Easy or Very Easy until you get the hang of the game. But that is up to you as well.
Have Fun! Welcome to the Forums again!!