Regarding the charge in and take things down approach - Lincoln Repeater if you have the small gun skills and all the perks you can get.
It's accuracy makes it better than the xuanlong/CAR overall, and it has a longer effective range. Sure, early - mid game ammo can be an issue, but there are solutions to that. Using VATS primarily.
Another weapon to look at for that style of play is The Terrible Shotgun, the unique combat shotgun. The spread is tighter and the damage is near unbelievable. Shotgun shells are common enough to keep it in ammo as well. The normal combat shotgun is good for charge in and kill style as well, however the range is shorter.
Yet another weapon, the double barrel shotgun from Point look out, Shot for shot it dose more damage than some heavy weapons. [over 100 at 100 smallguns and 100 condition]
If you want some range, both the hunting rifle and the leaver action rifle [point look out] are also good weapons that use two of the more common types of ammo. [10mm and .32]
Now depending if you perfer melee combat or unarmed there are a few weapons you can look at as well for that style of play.
For Unarmed its all about the deathclaw. Ignores DR, making it good against robots, power armor troops, mirelurks, scorpions or anything with a tough shell and still has a high enough damage to deal with light armor troops as well, specialy from stealth.
If your a fan of energy weapons, there is a weapon from The Pitt that is one of the best [damage wise] weapons. The Metal Blaster. Its a laser rifle that fires 5 seperate beams and dose 50 damage at 100/100. Good mid range weapon each shot only costs 1 "round" of ammo. Choose this over the tri-beam laser any day.
Im rather fond of the Perferator, a unique assult rifle with a scope and silencer, and normaly im not a fan of automatics. The rate of fire is slow and in vats it only shoots off 2 rounds, but it has good damage and slightly lower spread. Its a catch all weapon usable in many play styles in my opinion. Good for midrange sniping, stealth, assult and has a fairly common ammo drop. Ive kept it with me since ive gotten it. Jack of all trades weapon.
For Melee, Shishkebab, Jingwei's shock sword and the two unique auto axes, the man opener and the mauler. The Man opener is the melee version of the deathclaw gauntlet, it ignores DR, Shishkebab is effected by the pyro perk and jumps its damage way up there if you are planning on getting it. The shock sword is comparable to the Shishkebab and I would suggest it over the shishkebab unless you get the pyro perk and has the benifit of being lighter.
I had better stop here. I can go on for hours....