Usually in general, but every now and than freezes when building an RTS village (i really do nothing else until it's mostly done)
Hmm... a few things you can try.
1) Defrag your hard drive(s) this can fix some preformance problems.
2) Run Disk Clean Up, couldnt hurt.
3) Download, install and run the following programs
a.) Ad-Aware
b.) Spybot search and destroy
These programs go after the things that anti-virus programs often miss. Tracking cookies, spy ware, tracking cookies, and more.
What anti-virus are you using? If your using McAfree, ditch it and get this
Avast - AVG Anti Virus
They have a free version as well and my brother swears by it, ive had good luck using it to, it is less invasive than other high end anti virus programs like Norten.