For better or worse, for new or old, based on the game play, and character development of "Skyrim"; I believe Todd Howard and his merry band of game makers should have titled this game better. I suggest retitleing this game to something more appropriate such as: " Dragon Age, The Elder Years" or " Fallout3510, If the Divines are coming, they aught to make it by then" or how about, "MassEffect, The Tamriel Timewarp". As you can tell, I believe Skyrim is a soup made from the leftovers of other games, and Todd Howard is secretly the 'boy-faced' poster child for Bethesdas marketing department. On one side of the coin you have a game that is menu based, as opposed to the previous 8 option D-pad choice, and on the other side of the coin you have a kick-butt sound track!!!! As far as I'm concerned, I bought a very technical wall hanging that can be played as a game when I'm bored. Sorry to say, it seems Bethesda is on the track where I'm going to buy thier products off the used-game rack. Such as Life.