» Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:11 pm
- Necromancers Confirmed!
- a lot of the Nine Divines and Daedra make an appearance, including some interesting unique quests
- racism and racial conflicts between Nords and Elves involving specific quests
- sneak uses eyeball that opens and closes (similar to FO3 caution danger etc.)
- alchemy redesigned, will explain later interesting differences with Oblivion
- half of the dungeons are small (15 minutes), half the dungeons are larger and some are epic 1-2 hour dungeons
- much more "adventure-game type" puzzles than in previous TES games
- greatly improved traps
Not so nice...Todd's description of the racial faction conflict quests as being "more for flavor, not something that will lock you in to one side or the other" Hmm... I was really hoping we would be forced to take sides in some of the faction quests.
Here is a direct link to the higher res version of the interview