So basically, I'd kind of like a program like oblivion mod manager in which you can keep track of all your mods and install/uninstall them on the fly. But I'd also like for that program to work with the TES nexus/planet elder scrolls and deliver information to you. Such as updates for mods you currently have, or suggestions based on the type of mods you use. Also it would be great if you want to track a certain modder and be informed every time he/she uploads a new mod.
I know that you can find all this stuff on the website, but the tracking center in TES nexus always seemed really cluttered for me. The updates you would get would be minor things like "uploaded new pictures" or "changed short description". I'd be a chore to search for each individual mod to see if there were any updates. And myself, like many other Elder Scrolls fans use a ton of mods. It would at least be cool to press a single button and have it perform a search to see which of your mods have been updated.
I don't know, I'm just throwing out ideas now, but this is one thing that sort of bothered me. What do you guys think about this? What are some of your ideas to improve the modding community?