They said it will address the lag issues and help more people will GREAT connections to connect to GREAT connections, and vice-versa (BADDY bads, with BADDY bads... XD)
Also, there is a new "Big Team" Match Option added. AND the first DLC that's going to come out for Brink (OMFG this was amazing news that we ARE getting some DLC), is going to be absolutely FREEEEEEEE!
NOTE: There is no patch/update required to DL, they did most of it on their end (read the Tweets) (FOR XBOX360 USERS NO DL, I DON'T KNOW HOW IT WENT FOR PC)
I just went to the Dashboard, and went back into Brink and the "Big Team" match option IS THERE. So, whomevers playing right now pleeeeassseee post here if you can and tell me how it's going for you? (The lag)
Oh yeah did I mention our first DLC is FREE?! :)