If I had to pick one thing from HC mode that would be it.
If I had to pick one thing from HC mode that would be it.
I hate the "if it's not explicitly in the game it's pretend and not real role-play" argument. Like, isn't the entire point of RPGs to be creative, and interpret/project your own meaning into the story?
I know what you mean. Thing is every time I think WTF, then I realize they did a good job because I am a horde collector and hate it when I am over encumbered.
Also I try to put limits on myself as well. Problem for me is, I end up not having fun, then I realize I am playing a video game and I want FUN, not real life like I thought I did, and then once again I find out Bethesda was correct in what they did in the first place.
People can play how they want, just leave me out of it. Been there, done that, in NV and it really doesn't add anything for me. So, I would suspect that in FO4 it would make even less sense for me, since a lot of the game revolves around looting, stuffing yourself with so much junk, it would make any larger moving company blush in shame of their inadequacy!
But for all you "hardcoe roleplaying junkies" how about it limits you movement speed as well? I mean, as an ex-military guy myself, I know how cumbersome things can get with just 80+ pounds in the field, and not even talking combat here. Forget about sneaking around, as you will have the volume of an oversized whale, sticking out of the grass, with a giant humpback rugsack that would make any Galapogos tortoise envy you!
What I mean to say is, that realism doesn't make sense, unless you make it all real. That selective realism isn't for me, when all else isn't realistic.
But hey, play how you want, just giving my opinion on "hardcoe mode"
Since everyone has a different idea of immersion as this thread aptly demonstrates, then Bethesda did the right thing by leaving it out. Just wait for a mod, I hear there is already an work-in-progress one.
Never liked the New Vegas hardcoe mode. There was nothing hardcoe about. It added nothing challenging or difficult to the game, just tediousness. A more accurate name for it should have been "Tedious Mode." The only thing I would want out of that mode that makes sense is ammo weight.
A proper immersion mode would remove the health benefits from eating, drinking and sleeping too. Again, from an immersion perspective, it is ridiculous that sleeping for an hour or eating a few salisbury steaks will cure a broken leg. Really, the only way to heal should be by visiting a doctor, or by earning an appropriate perk.
Most of this will, I'm sure, be fixed by mods in time, as it has for the previous two games. It's just a shame that Bethesda seem to have decided to totally ignore the improvements made in New Vegas.
Personally I'm surprised at how little the lack of a FO:NV style hardcoe mode matters to me when I always used hardcoe mode on all my NV characters. I guess it is a combination of Stimpacks no longer insta healing, food actually being practical for healing and the lovers embrace perk making me more likely to rest that I don't feel there's a need for the extra micro management since I'll doing those actions more often naturally.
This is exactly how I feel. Started the game and never left survival difficulty; one of the very first things I said about the game was "Food is useful! Hooray!" And for resting, taking the Solar Powered perk right off the bat gave me a solid sleep cycle until I got Lover's Embrace, which is when I just started taking "catnaps" in every bed I could find. >.>
It really should be called "realism" mode, much less misleading.
No you can't. You can go to bed and eat because it already is in the game. You can't be hungry or sleep deprived, because that's not in the game and there's no way you can "make" it (unless you mod it in to the game).
I would appreciate a "hardcoe" mode, although eating/drinking/sleeping are low on my list. Ammo weight, much less loot and restrictions to fast travel were more important for me. If it were a mod, I would be ok with it, too.
For hunger and thirst there is already a mod at the start, did not try yet: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3443/?
Or this for a different hardcoe approach: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4954/? There is also one the makes loot more scarce as I remember correctly. I'm a bit reluctant to use too many mods now however without the regular tools available. Someone here with experience with the mods?
If it's all about imagination, then why buy and play this game? You can just imagine whatever you want.
Or better yet, let Bethesda release game with nothing but loading screen. You "imagine" the rest
Sorry, eating, sleeping and drinking was not hardcoe.
hardcoe is
-a reasonably taxing death penalty (character debuff and cap penalty) or perma death
-limiting game saves to only when you sleep in a bed (sleeping in a bed that you do not own risks getting interrupted and attacked)
-taking away or limiting fast travel
-harder mobs that have some unique attacks and use chems and stimpaks, etc
-less ammo found
-no exploits and glitches for unlimited caps, skill points, etc
-playing the game online so that you can't quit and reload a save (similar to how an mmo works)
New Vegas wasn't hardcoe, it was pathetically easy and is so over rated by the majority of the community as though it was the pinnacle of skill
Isn't... isn't the entire point of an RPG to use your imagination?...
Let's put you in a hot wasteland where rations are scarce and see how hardcoe you are without food and water.
No, that's the point of BGSRPG's. For us modders to use our imagination and turn Fallout Beta into the actual Fallout 4.
Survival mode, where hunger reduces max action points and/or AP regeneration, just like radiation limits health. Pretty obvious, I don't know why they didn't bother implementing it.
No promises since I've never made a mod before (I do have programming and development experience though), but I'm highly considering it for this purpose. Here are my initial thoughts:
My idea is to provide a mod that will allow users to chose what levels of realism they would like. Some may just like the default buffing I provide while others will want to go all in. The goal would be to allow the player to access the settings in the settings pop up and change whatever they want. Keep in mind, the following may not reflect everything that I'm considering.
When you install the mod, the default functionality is simply that you gain four buffs from eating, sleeping, and drinking:
Other details would be more subtle. For example, consuming alcohol or cola would still increase your hydration level, but also increase the rate at which it depletes for a while.
Yes hardcoe mode please. I was surprised and dissapointed it wasn't an optional feature in FO4.
I realize that it will come as a mod as soon as mods are allowed on PS4, but I won't start my second character without it.