Not worth it. Water and food are cheap and plentiful again so that's just wasteful healing items.
Ammo weight when we already have so much loot worth taking to use for modding and building now.
Uhm totally worth it for immersion. It becomes a game of tactics. Every mission you'd need to make important loadout choices. Should I bring more food? How much ammo should I bring? What weapon should I carry? It would deter the bullet hoarders. And eating drinking and sleeping needs would make you really have to use our BRAINS for once. The could of made ghouls deathclaws and yaou goai more common at night giving you a reason to find a safe place to sleep. More food options could have been made available with better buffs and debuffs, like beer giving you better strength but dehydrating you faster. Would of been awesome.
Would like to have "hardcoe" mode in F4 as well. Even better if it was more hardcoe then in NV.
But id like the chance for sleep to be interrupted. Like your companion hears something and it could be as simple as a roach to another scavenger to a deathclaw
Not sure if you don't get it.....but that's the whole point. You have to decide either to take less ammo and more loot or more loot and less ammo. Well they are plentiful because you don't use them periodically, so they stack.
There's a mod for Fallout 3 called 'see you time for bed' that does exactly this. Sleep out in the wilds and there's a chance you may get your stuff stolen or have roaches attack you... or get peed on by a passing dog.
See now that's hardcoe...probably German.
Haven't you seen the settlement requirements yet? Else press [ESC] and [HELP] and lookup all the settlement stuff, because players don't get why their settlers turn hostile etc. There is in fact a lot of survival requirements.
hardcoe mode in NV was mis-named. Calling it 'hardcoe' made it sound as though you had to be some sort of gaming god to play it. In fact, it hardly altered the difficulty at all: it should rightly have been called 'immersion' mode. It was there for those people who liked to actually imagine themselves in the game. Most importantly, it was optional.
I agree. Eat, drink, sleep, ammo has weight, etc should've been in "Survival" mode instead of having "Survival" mode just nerf your stats while making enemies bullet sponges.
I love it in NV, and I love Frostfall (among other mods) in Skyrim.
It's not about eating, drinking and sleeping that's difficult, but it is "survival", and what is survival without these basic elements?
I seriously can't wait for a modder to make a mod to make the game hardcoe again.
I also find that it is quite ridiculous that there's loot everywhere after 200 years, people are essentially eating and drinking 200 year old stuff, and the world did not recover (even though factories do not seem to be really affected AND the lights are still on), no one cleaned the place up, and everyone is suddenly a raider, or a push over bullet magnet settler that's waiting to be killed if they're not infected by FEV or became ghouls. I seriously hate this, and I hope that Bethesda (or a modder) would change it.
But you don't. I currently use food and drink as healing and only use stims when I get a crippled limb, I set out with 10 weights worth of food and drink, I only take my assault rifle and 5 molotovs as weapons and 5 rad-x and radaway. So not much carry weight there, the ammo wont weight much and don't need to keep it all on me any way, just adds more micro for the sake of micro to the inventory.
Eating/drinking/sleeping you didn't need to do even in hardcoe with my playstyle. I sleep when ever I return to base just for the xp bonus, I eat/drink for healing so only in the easy areas where you take no damage is it really needed and then the enemies tend to have food/drink on them so no issue.
NV survival "requirements" were broken and silly.
I'm sure there'll be a mod for that. Be patient.
Pretty sure you still don't get it. It's an optional difficulty setting. You can play with it or you don't. You look at it as micro i look at it as immersion. The only reason hardcoe mode alone is useless in F4 is because of the abundance of water/food/ammo... i mean i have more purified water then dirty, which doesn't make sense. It does add a small layer of difficulty but again it's optional
I agree. I actually liked the survival mode in NV. It added a lot of realism. And this is coming from somebody who never plays on hardcoe.
I hope they do a mod so that we can get it even on the PS4.
I get enough sleep deprivation at work (flying freight at night). I don't need to experience it in a game!
Well, you already can eat/drink/sleep in the game. If it's useful for you, for "immersion"/"realism"/verisimilitude, then you can already sleep when it gets dark and all that stuff. There's even game benefits for these things.
How does having a meter on the screen that tells you "you must sleep/eat/drink now", add to that at all?
Easily, because you get carried away. And it forces you to do a bit of planning.