It is going to expand over part of the story line, and all of the DLC's. Starting with Honest Hearts, then Dead Money, Old World Blues, and last but not least, Lonesome Road. I was wondering if you all would like to help me out! Credit in the end of the book, etc. And note to the devs, this is just for fun. Now:
The base of the book is having the main character (Courier 6) looking the way you want them to, but maintaining a certain personality and gender. He is male. That's all I have. What I would need from my friends here for the Courier are:
1.) What is his personality/karma like? Is it evil, good, neutral, or what?
2.) How does he treat people?
3.) What is his faction alignment?
I am keeping the book like the end of the DLC's and game. In the beginning, it will start with the intro of New Vegas. It will have Benny, Courier 6 getting shot, etc. This differences in story are (so far. If you have suggestions, do tell):
1.) After he goes to Primm and learns of another Courier, he doesn't stick around and help. He leaves immediately in search of whoever it may be.
2.) He doesn't do much at New Vegas. He goes and finds Benny. Benny tells him about the Happy Trails Expedition, which is how DLC1 in the book starts. After he is told, he meets Benny in private and (personality needed first). Later, the Courier stumbles upon a cave in the north. He enters and finds Jed and the others. So begins Honest Hearts.
When a DLC ends in the book, it will feature the DLC end sequences. It is up to us to write them (also based on personality and how he handled everything.)
Not sure how Dead Money or Old World Blues begins yet.
Also, I need a title. It bases around Lonesome Road mainly, so maybe we can work with that.
ANY help is appreciated!