The only major area in which I feel New Vegas is less fun than Fallout 3 is in the random exploration. There are minor annoyances like the changes to VATS and the peculiar morality system, and the bugs are annoying as hell (particularly the radio bug

) and take the sheen off the game, but I can live with these. I'm not overly enamoured with the number of pure fetch-and-carry quests, but hey, they're often a reason to venture off-road. But I do miss the pleasure of aimless exploration, exploration for it's own sake with no particular objective in mind other than idle curiosity, which Fallout 3 gave me in spades. To borrow softnerd's anology, I
like theme parks and I liked that there was something interesting or weird or sad or funny over virtually every hill. And I'm a spelunker, too, I love dungeon-diving; and Fallout 3 offered far, far more opportunity to sate that urge than New Vegas does. I was one of the three people who actually liked the metro system and the secrets it contained. So it would be fair to say that whilst I like New Vegas very, very much, I don't quite love it like I do Fallout 3, for all its obvious faults.