i have a gtx 460......just thought id put that out there....and i am using the latest nvidia driver[260].I am getting very choppy framerates and a kind of 'sparkly effect' on distant objects,parrallel lines ,it is very noticable at night and when moving .Occasionally ,whilst moving, this sparlkly effect will coallese into small white squares.circles,shapes[artefacts].I would be most grateful if bethesda would deal with these issues as they really spoil what appears to be a good game also i would like people on the forum to confirm if they also are having these affects especially if they are using the same graphics card.thankyou
These effects have been confirmed.
To fix the sparkles you cannot use both HDR and AA at the same time. So switch one off in the launcher Options.
Bloom + AA = OK
HDR + No AA = OK
No HDR + AA = OK