I am mostly concerned with the viability of reaching that area at an early level. Can I reach the area if I stick to roads? What level would anyone suggest?
Thanks for the responses....
It really depends how early, if your talking straight out of Docs house you
must stay on the cliffs by Sloan and north of Sloan for as far as you can go. It is do-able, once out of that highway make a bee-line for the entrance to Freeside but do not go into it, head all the way around it because the clinic is North-North-East of the outer perimeter of The Strip. You can search for a map of NV and cross-reference the location and your in-game location.
If you've already accessed The Strip just follow the second part.
I found it viable to reach The Strip by Level 1, but you will need to get a Passport - from the King preferably - to get into The Strip to get the Globe to sell to Jane for 2000caps for at least 1 implant.