The reason why people don't like Fallout!
Out of say around 50 of my friends that have Xbox/PS3, only 1 other person besides me likes Fallout. I have always wondered why this was, then it struck me:
During Fallout, YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO THINK. Strange I know, but I believe this is the reason my friends don't like Fallout. They prefer games such as COD and Halo, because there is a set thing to do, (go here, RPG this, kill this guy, then this guy, then this guy, then this guy, then this guy, then this guy, got the point yet?)
Fallout actually makes you think about your decisions and choices that you make, and they have an effect on the rest of your game. This is unlike most other games. Fallout keeps your brain thinking.
While playing Fallout, I actually came across something, saved the game, turned off my Xbox 360 and went to bed. The reason being that I actually needed time to think about the next choice that I was going to make. I summed up the consequences then made the appropriate decision. Where as if i was playing the Black Ops career, I would stop and think of ways to try and make it more fun after getting bored from it after about 10 minutes.
People don't like games that make them think. People hate games that make them think. Thus, why people don't play Fallout.
I let my friend borrow Fallout last week. He gave it back to me after one night. I asked him why. He replied "I got stuck on a bit that I couldn't figure out". I can almost guarantee that he barley thought about it, and after the fact that there was more then one way to do things, he instantly labelled it "crap".
I can't describe my point enough, I can't get my message across, but i'm trying anyway.
Say during the Black Ops Campaign, there was a place in it, where you actually had to figure something out for yourself, or say find something, without any direction what so ever, I can almost guarantee that more people would hate it. I guarantee it.
Fallout is unique as it keeps you guessing and on your toes, just one of the many reasons that I love it.
Well there you have it, my story.
Enjoy if you wish, dilike if you want,