I looked back about four pages, didn't see this, so I decided to post it.
Thanks to Brother None over at ye old NMA.
Awesome stats! Thank you for sharing.

I am however skeptical of the numbers, 100,000 PC users sounds awefully low given the polls we see here in the forums (the most recent had PC's outnumbering the rest which is also wrong).
If these numbers are close to true, then it means that these forums have significantly more PC users in them than the console users do as a percentage of their gaming populations - and I just don't know if thats really the case.
What does excite me more than anything is this core stat -
New Vegas have outsold Fallout3 by 30% at this point. To me that is absolutely huge news given how much New Vegas got beat-up by the reviews for being "the most buggy game of the decade" or some such crap. I do hope these stats hold true, as it will mean the reviewers over-exaggurated the scope of the problems (or were reviewing the game on beta copies that still were horrifically buggy).
However it comes out, this game is nowhere near as buggy for me as Fallout3 was. I have 3 crashes in 60 hours in-game and only a few noted quest glitches. They deserve the sales IMHO. :fallout: