Look it is every simple. The game says 700,000. There is no way around that. It makes sense to have 700,000 in all of Southern California in 2241.
Southern California is a huge area. 700,000 people is a small city. 350,000 people at the time of Fallout 2161 are spread out over a huge area of land. It is 100% realistic to believe that the population of NCR in 2241 was 700,000 people given that 164 years before that it was around 30+ million people.
You are saying we shouldn't use 700,000 people based only on your opinion of what "exaggerated" means and you only got that from the Fallout Bible which isn't even canon. 640,000 people isn't simply an exaggeration. NCR couldn't get away with that big of a number fudge up.
The population of California at the time of the Great War would have been close to 50 million people. Southern California would have been like 30 million people. For roughly 15,500 thousand people to survive out of that is realistic. 15,500 out of 30 million people. That is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of 1% of the population!
700,000 people is the population of Southern California at that time like it or not. By saying we shouldn't use it based on your own opinion and interpretation to me is incredibly arrogant. You are saying "the game is wrong, you're all wrong I am right."
Given the information we can safely say the population of the NCR as of 2281 is 2.8 million people. You are freaking out over that number. News flash for you that is a drop in the bucket. 2.8 million people in the area the size of the NCR which is most of the West Coast of the United States is NOTHING! Well over
163,696 sq miles and only 2.8 million people, again that is nothing to freak out about. "Fallout would be ruined with a couple million people living in North America"

It's nothing. The population of LA and the area around it is 12.9 million people alone and you are freaking out over 2.8 million in all of the Westen United States? I am repeating myself here because it is unbelievable to me that you think that [censored]s things up for the Fallout Universe.
Do you have any idea how big the United States is? It's
3,794,100 sq miles and a couple million to ten million people in that amount of land is a nothing at all, nothing. It wouldn't ruin Fallout at all.
Does it feel like there are that many people in the world? Those numbers would also mean there are 6.4 million people in Cali by FO3.
700,000 people as of 2241. Double the size of NCR, double the population, so 700,000 people. So 140,000 people. Add another 40 years so that means double the population again, so that makes it 2.8 million people. Not 6.4 million people.
Even if it was 6.4 million people so damn what? That many people in the Western United States is nothing. 6.4 million people is just about half the size of the population of LA today.
Edit: I also want to point out that your figure of 3000 people for the population of Shady Sands is from the Fallout Bible and not canon. The 103 people of Vault City believe NCR (Shady Sands) to be many tens of thousands. They admit they haven't got access to the NCR census that was taken and they only can guess what is south of Shady Sands. So they go by what they see and they see Shady Sands (NCR) and they see tens of thousands.
Even if that is just a guess at the population of all of NCR's territory given the size of that once city that they can see, it would still have to be alot more than just 3000 people for them to think it could be "many tens of thousands."
I am not saying they are right that the population of all of NCR is only "many tens of thousands" I am just saying it supports the idea that the population of Shady Sands is alot greater than just 3000 people. A number that isn't even canon.