As others have said: it's on the other side of the country, and there's good odds it happens after FO4. I don't see any reason for "references", outside of maybe an easter egg in the corner of a room or something.
As others have said: it's on the other side of the country, and there's good odds it happens after FO4. I don't see any reason for "references", outside of maybe an easter egg in the corner of a room or something.
I wouldn't expect any outside of Mr. House, and perhaps Big Mountain and the Think Tank. Most of Fallout 3's west coast references were from the people that came east like the Brotherhood, Enclave, and Harold. Unless Fallout 4 has characters that have just recently arrived from the west I wouldn't expect any mention of what's going on out there. There's too much distance between the two locations for there to be a lot of references outside of pre-war lore.
But if we were to talk about what references Bethesda could make if they really wanted to - when Fallout 4 is set isn't terribly important. Even if it ends up being set in 2277 (which I think is unlikely) there are a couple of major events from New Vegas' backstory that could be referenced by travelers that happened earlier that year. First there's the cataclysm at the Divide, and second the First Battle of Hoover Dam and the events surrounding it - where the NCR beats back the Legion destroying Boulder City in the process, Joshua Graham's lit on fire and thrown into the Grand Canyon after his failure to take the Dam with Lanius taking his place as Legate, and the four year stalemate leading up to the events in the main story begins.
There's also the Wasteland Gear which is the Ghost People hazmat suit from Dead Money/Old World Blues, and Fallout 4 has the Atomic Command mini-game that features the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign as one of the landmarks - which probably wouldn't be there if not for New Vegas since that sign isn't particularly significant compared to others they could have used in its place.
Let's not forget that Obsidian were also the ones to bring back the Fallout 2 Enclave power armor that Bethesda retconned into something else for Fallout 3. The Fallout 2 design that Obsidian restored for New Vegas is what's in both Fallout Shelter and Fallout 4.
I don't get where this idea that Bethesda is ignoring New Vegas is coming from. They haven't talked about how Fallout 4 relates to any of the previous Fallout games unless asked by interviewers, who are the ones who haven't brought up any except Fallout 3. Even if they did ask, Bethesda has been tight lipped about Fallout 4.
The big issue is, how much any particular poster imagines cross-country travel happening. Me, I see it as an incredibly rare thing, not something that a few people do every year. Brotherhood, Enclave? Super-advanced group, large numbers, good transport. Sure, they got across. Joe random trader/wanderer? Even assuming he didn't get eaten by a billion animals, run out of ammo, or get enslaved/eaten by tribals, it'd probably take years & years to get across.
(And the Brotherhood/Enclave folks didn't seem like they had regular travel going, just "large migration of one group".)
disclaimer: I don't study the lore in detail. These are just the impressions I've gotten from playing the games & observing some of the forum discussions.
Harold came east presumably alone - with a tree growing out of his head. There's also the cross country trading that seems to be going on with with Jet, and Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor appearing in Fallout 3, and the Wasteland Survival Guide appearing in New Vegas.
I don't think traveling between the two coasts is too dangerous at this point. The Legion has eliminated most threats in the midwest so their roads are fairly safe (safer than NCR roads if Cass is to be believed), and they leave merchants and travelers alone from my understanding, so traveling from NCR territory to the east coast isn't going to be as difficult as it was when the Brotherhood and Enclave headed east unless you're waving an NCR flag around.
Moria's "Wasteland Survival Guide" has made it to the Mojave area in significant numbers in just 4 years time.
The Wasteland trip from one side of the country to the other isn't THAT dangerous. You have
-The NCR in California and Nevada.
-The Legion in Arizona, and New Mexico, and "much" of Colorado and Utah.
-And both done have largely removed raiders from the areas they control. Though northern Utah and northeast Nevada are still in bad shape.
-Once you pass Colorado you would end up in Kansas, then Missouri, then Illinois, which the MWBoS patrol, and largely cleared of raider groups decades ago.
-That will take you from Los Angeles California all the way to Chicago Illinois, in an actually fairly safe and well patrolled route.
The only really dangerous part is the unknown lands between Chicago and The Pitt, which haven't been talked about yet. but once you reach The Pitt there are at least some trade routes going across the north east, Ronto, The Pitt, D.C., and the Commonwealth, all seem to be linked by a big circular trading loop of some kind.
why do people say bethesda does not aknowledge NV?
what chance did they have to do so in game untill now?Fo4 is the first Fallout game since NV.
As discussed, that might be difficult as there is a good possibility that Fallout 4 takes place 4 years before Fallout New Vegas.
Big point of contention to this is that there was an airship that is believed to belong to Lyon's Brotherhood, and they couldn't possibly have built an airship so quickly.
But the theory it belongs to Lyon's Brotherhood from D.C. is based on the flag seen on the downed airship in the trailer, but Lyons Brotherhood isnt the only BoS group that has the big cog on the right. So does the Mid-Western Brotherhood faction, which was formed from the Brotherhood of Steel group that headed east with the airships and crashed near Chicago losing almost all their airships.
so Bethesda dont knowledge Fallout NV, i didnt know that, i know they didnt make it, but i think they ask Obsidian to make it, and they did a ok job at it.
Well u always learn something new
You are GREATLY trivializing a 2800 mile trip across lots of unknown territory in a post apocalyptic world with no means of mass transit. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I doubt there are any regular trade routes (no doubt there is travel going on, but not anything widespread). Only one copy of the book had to make to someone that could copy it at the other end.
I could see them adding in a random NPC that mentions a city out west where its as if the bombs never fell. A small reference like that cant hurt anything and makes players such as myself feel
Except it isn't unknown.
The NCR, Legion, and MWBoS lands are all known, well known in fact. And each one has their own, well established, routes of trade. Now, the NCR, Legion, and MWBoS don't trade with each other, but their trade routes do end at the borders of their lands, and all of their lands are touching, so there really shouldn't be any significant gaps in coverage. And the Legion and MwBoS lands are some of the safest possible, due to their zero tolerance policy regarding raiders.
The MWBoS's trade/supply routes are fairly well developed, and cover the distance from Vault 0 all the way into central Indiana and lower Michigan.
after reading all this post, man is incredible how well Bethesda think when they make Fallout 3 and 4, they move to the opposite side of the countries, allowing them not only make new lore, but at the same time not get on conflict with the already establish lore.
Actually, this is a mistake. Fallout 3 BEGINS in mid-August of 2277, August 17th to be exact. We don't know officially how long it takes the LW to complete FO3 proper, but I would imagine at least a month, maybe 2. The LW is also unconscious for 2 weeks before Broken Steel begins. IF FO4 does begin on Oct 23, 2277, I highly doubt the events from Broken Steel have yet to be completed, so basically, the BoS would still be dealing with the Enclave in the CW. Not to mention the LW going to the Pitt or Point Lookout, which takes a decent amount of travel time, a month to travel to Point Lookout, another month to travel back.
So, could it be possible that the LW finished the MQ of FO3 before Oct 23? Yes, it could be possible, has 2 months game time to do it. However, with being unconscious for 2 weeks, this would probably mean the LW had not completed any of the DLC from FO 3. Not to mention, adding together the time to complete many of the side quests, it could even be possible that the MQ of FO3 is not completed by Oct 23, for example, we know for a fact that LW stayed in Megaton for awhile, as it is canon that the LW completed the Wasteland Survival Guide quest. That probably took a few days to a couple weeks right there. It isn't like the LW is on a speed run or anything, so we have to logically try to figure out how long it would take a 17-18 year old person to do all this stuff. It could even be possible that the LW doesn't complete FO3 until 2278.
Point Lookout is only 80 miles down the river from D.C. It doesn't take a month to get there.
A month passes in-game because of how the engine works. Cells reset after 30 days, so the game makes a month pass so its always assured that the cells have reset when you arrive to/from D.C./Point Lookout. That way you don't get stuff glitching out and messed up spawns.
...and if a one legged man with cancer can run 3339 miles in 143 days, I'm sure if someone has a reason to make the trip it wouldn't be as unrealistic as people think.
Nod to
I'm guessing House get's mentioned at some point during some Institute quest / convo, but I certainly wouldn't expect FO4 to make any cannon decision references from FONV. Again, the specific FO4 timeline is important as to how these would even be possible or not.
Well, if that is true then yes, it shouldn't take a month to get there, I don't know how fast steamboat willy's boat travels but I guess it should only take a day or two.
Why is this a bone of contention? It's not beyond reason that there could have been a supply cache that was secreted away by the Enclave that was discovered and "re-branded" for use.
Just because the Brotherhood may be flying the ship does not mean they built it.
Did anyone read Wool? Remember all the stuff they had squirreled away...
It all depends on what "200 years" means. For example if Fallout 4 takes place in 2277 — before the events of FNV — then I don't expect many references to anything from FNV other than perhaps a mention of Mr. House attending The Institute. If Fallout 4 takes place in 2277, I could even see some random ghoul offering tips and rumors for caps. Something along the lines of:
GHOUL: "I hear they're trying to put together a real nation out west with preisdents and taxes and everything. Call themselves the New California Republic. Want to hear another tip?"
However, if Fallout 4 takes place a few years after FNV and moves the timeline forward — as BGS seems keen on doing — I wouldn't be surprised if we hear more sepcific rumors about the events of FNV. Yes, the events of FNV and Fallout 4 take place on opposite sides of the continent, but the rise of both the NCR and Legion are major events that shaped the west. It would not be impossible for rumors of the NCR/Legion War to spread from settlement to settlement and via traders and eventually reach the east coast. If Fallout 4 takes palce after FNV, I wouldn't be surprised if we even heard mention of the Second Battle of Hoover Dam since it was a major military conflict involving several factions.
And remember, people don't necssarily have to cross the continent for word to spread about the NCR and events of FNV. Rumors and stories could spread just as quickly among traders and from town to town.
One thing for certain, i don't think we'll be seeing any characters from FNV making an appearance in Fallout 4.
Fallout Monopoly has locations from all of the main series games, 1/2/3/4, with each number corresponding with a side of the board. There wasn't enough room for New Vegas. There's also Riot Armour and that Ghost People outfit in Fallout Shelter.
And we don't know for sure that the game entirely takes place in 2277, I think a major time skip is going to happen with the Brotherhood showing up on the scene and making big changes to the game world. Even then, people sometimes change their mind. If Todd decided to make it set earlier then its not the end of the world, Obsidian had a great time working with Bethesda, and both companies have said that they enjoy each others games immensely.