I'm giving the op the benefit of the doubt and assuming English isn't his first language.
I kind of agree with the 'shooter' mechanics comments. Obsidian have added irons sights, so it feels like a shooter, but as FO:NV is an RPG if you're crap at guns the bullets don't go where you're aiming anyway; so the FPS mechanics are slightly redundant. There's also the problem that none of the weapons have any real sense of weight or recoil, and the first person models aren't very good. The FPS aspect is a bit lacklustre.
My main gripe with NV (apart from the static world) is the plot doesn't give me any motivation to join any of the factions, or do anything, in fact, after surviving the head shot. It assumes you want to trail after Benny for 'revenge' or to finish your contract - get the chip back - but there's no driving motivation. Then the game assumes you want to join one of the factions and follow the main plot to its conclusion - again without a reason. Mr House is a dike, the NCR woman at the dam is a snooty [censored], Caesar is a dike, and Yes Man is flat out annoying. There's nobody to empathise with. If you were FORCED to work for one or the other groups, through a contrivance like the Dead Money collar, then OK, but I can't find any reason why a courier (a postman, basically) would get all patriotic for any of the sides when they're all so unlikeable. People hate the FO:3 plot, but at least finding out why your only living realtive has gone off and abandoned you is a motivation everyone can relate to. If I got shot in the head I'd just be happy I survved and then get the hell out of Dodge!
Well the game offers two variations of first person, one being iron sights, the other being a more over-the-gun approach. However, this game is more RPG than it is first person shooter, so i'm not expecting, myself, to play this game first person. As a matter of fact, I don't. I maintain the graphics of everything are fine, considering this isn't solely a first person shooter. They have to put in effort where it is most due, and that is environment // story // character development. I know more people who play this as a 'third' person than first anyways.
To me it makes no sense to go get Benny right after you find out where he is and who he is. He is a powerful man, surrounded by allies. It's suicide to go challenge him on his own turf when according to the main story's premise he already managed to gank you once using fewer people and less support. That is a good break point to go gain strength and friends.

And I was more than happy to hunt Benny down in a playthrough. When I saw the look on his face in the Casino, I grinned in real life, lit a smoke and enjoyed the moment, going over this i'n my head "Benny Benny Benny. I am about to [censored] your [censored] so hard you're gonna regret wearing that glowing checkered chessboard of a suit". I find the game gives enough opportunities to jump out of the main story and go off on your own. You just have to pick where, depending your characters backstory and how you want to play it.
Fine we ll have fallout be a big [censored] mystery...
Some stuff from 10 and 13 years ago is still unanswered.
I go on wiki to try to learn something about the fo story and I see what could have happened. The Shi???? anyone know what they r doing ????? anyone ????? No, because they could be the most technology advanced group in the U.S. or they could have been killed by vines. Are slides worth 10 years of not knowing the canon ending of fo tactics??????
I know you guys are not reading my entire posts. I write something different, but get thd same response. I say die at the end of non canon endings, because death is the ultimate consequence, no one even comments on that idea. We have 10 and 13 year old holes and you guys want more
Fallout..........a big giant mystery. I hope Bethesda does not do this.
Seeing how many replies since I last posted, I had to come check this out.
You, single-handedly, against everyone else whose replied, believes every single ending, that is not a 'true' ending, which you cannot even dictate as being the 'true' ending, should have you die in some horrible way, just so you know which way is real? You think, they should of catered ENTIRELY to YOU, and ONLY you on this? I'm almost crying at this because, for some reason, or lack of reason, you've decided that you should only live if you've got karma shooting out your [censored]. I'm somewhat confused on your logic. While you think no one is responding to your idea, infact they are. Because your entire idea revolves around stupid points that make no real sense.
First of all, i'd like to go ahead and ask how death is "the ultimate consequence'. I'd go ahead and say.. being forced into slavery, tortured, [censored], beaten and drowned would be much more 'ultimate' that being shot between the eyes. Your idea is completely based upon the fact, you only want one ending, regardless of what you do. In reality, that's not how anything works. I go out and shoot someone in the face, I go to jail. I play nice throughout life, and end up with a nice job, next day I die in a car accident. Was that the 'ultimate consequence' for my actions" No, that was karma being a [censored]. In the game, regardless of what you do, you're going to affect the games ending. Why? Asides the fact you can never 'really' die in the game, you will, eventually, do something so great you change the outcome of the world.
I understand you'd LOVE to get the 'real ending', however in these games, you don't get that, because you've got the ability to change the 'real ending'. It's not Final Fantasy 7 where, regardless of what you do, you WILL stop Meteor and save the world. It's not like Fable, where regardless of what you do, you basically do the same thing ALL GAME, and the ending turns out the same. It's a game where, there is no 'true' ending. There may be an ending that the developers decided 'we want this to be the ending most exprienced by a general playthrough where the player doesn't decide to dismember every shmuck that he comes across'. But you're always going to get an ending based on your play-style. If I killed all the NCR, put all their bodies in Nipton, and ran a mod where I nuked the [censored] out of the place, they shouldn't [censored] WIN the battle. They should [censored] LOSE IT, because they just got their ass NUKED.
Go ahead and say people aren't reading your posts fully. Go ahead and say they aren't commenting on your "main point", when infact they are. Maybe you should just come up with a VALID reason why you believe your way should be the right way. Because so far, everything you said seems to be under the impression you don't know what an RPG is outside of early RPGs that had real stories back in the earlier days of consoles...