Every year I pick my Game of the Year (GOTY). For 2007 it was Call of Duty 4, for 2008 it was, obviously, Fallout 3 and for 2009, I picked Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
When 2010 began, and i heard New Vegas was comming out, i thought: " Well no bother worrying about picking 2010's GOTY". Through 2010, I played a lot of great games until I finally got to Fallout: New Vegas. The New Vegas experience svcked for me... The great feeling of playing that I got from Fallout 3 wasn't there anymore... The need I felt to discover everything:locations, companions, unique weapons and armor, it all disapeared... Instead I got that feeling from playing Mass Effect 2 which was my choice for GOTY 2010
I'm writting this hoping that like Ubisoft did with Assassin's Creed (the developers said in an interview at E3 2009 that they went to the forums and saw what was good and what was wrong with Assassin's Creed), that Bethesda may also do with Fallout: New Vegas.
Here it goes:
The problem with me is the same in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood... Fallout: New Vegas is Fallout 3.5. You can say: oh but it's supposed to be like that. Yeah but it′s still a sequel. It should improve and progress. And I got to say that Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood does that better than Fallout: New Vegas even if it isn't a true sequel. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood introduces new things without taking a step back and that's were Fallout: New Vegas fails...
I loved the iron sight but it didn't quite feel like a FPS and that should be improved. Sound is amazing. The companion wheel is an awesome addiction to the game and makes things much easier. weapons mods are awesome, reloadind and workshop benches are a cool addiction, different types of ammunition, campfires makes you wanna get all the ingredients to make stuff, hardcoe mode pushes a guy to the limit, showing how much speech you need to resolve a dilemma, inumerous quests, it's all great! And good work on that!

The graphics improved but just a bit. They are cooler but you don't see a real evolution like Oblivion to Skyrim...
The biggest changes in the game were the things that made me dislike New Vegas. Factions, 4 different endings and reputation...
You could still introduce all the factions in the game without reputation. First, your relationship with factions affects the game and for me that wasn't a good thing. I'm a guy who likes to have everything! This way there were a lot of quests i didn't do because of the relationship with factions and not continuing the game after the ending (they made a big mistake by doing that in Fallout 3, but okay the character could die and everything(mine did) so i wasn't really annoyed, but in this game in the 3 out 4 endings i played (I got enough of New Vegas with i started the Caesar's Legion questline) SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!! : the character lives on to wander the wastes. So why couldn't we continue playing...
And we could meet all the factions in the game even if they were enemies just like we did with the Enclave in Fallout 3! We could have talked to Caesar and made deal to screw the NCR without them knowing and at climix of the battle change sides and fight the NCR, a little bit like the Enclave wanted you do to their dirty work in Fallout 3. Besides the story is so boring, and altough there are for different endings, the way to get there is basically the same in all of them. But the final boss was better than Colonel Autumm The mission's we chose to do for other factions could influence dialogue choices not burn your relationship with another faction... There was a time in the game that even if wanted, I couldn't do other quests

There were also a lot of glitches. I found a glitch for everything! Caps, repair, weapons, even pork n beans and dirty water! And really annoyed me that i couldn't find a considerable number of merchants. In Fallout 3 there were inumerous merchants of all sorts spread across the Capital Wasteland. In New Vegas, I only found one guy to repair things and that was that stupid guy at Mojave Outpost (I think) which by the way, repaired me all my inventory (96000 caps) for free! And the only big settlements were the Fort and New Vegas ( Hoover Dam svcks) and New Vegas was just Casinos! There weren't almost any merchants. In Fallout 3, you had Megaton, Tempenny Tower, Underworld, the Citadel, Rivet City, god even Gidershade had two merchants!
I though these changes were going to be good, but it afterall it made my Fallout: New Vegas experience svcked.
I know there are people that enjoyed this but for me it ruined Fallout: New Vegas. C'mon i know there are people that might have liked the game with these things but Fallout 3 didn't have them and it rulled!!!! It's like the God of War gameplay... It has been the same for a lot of games... And why? Because if it ain't broke with fix it? Fallout 3 had a good type of progressing the story so why change it?
And that guy at the radio is mega-lame compared to Three Dog. C'mon : Mr New Vegas: "You know i love you..." while Three Dog: " The weather today is excessvly violent with a chance of dismemberement
Oh and i don't know whose the Fiends are but please bring back the Raiders! (Don't know why bue even though they looked like Raiders they weren't quite Raiders)
So Bethesda for Fallout 4, PLEASE get rid of the reputation with factions because karma is all that we need, different endings and locking quests because of other factions. Return to the formula that made Fallout 3 amazing and the best game of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE erase those changes in the next Fallout!
(Sorry for the any mispelling and i hope Bethesda sees this message. If any mod sees it please try to make it reach Bethesda, because i just want to love Fallout again... Everytime I think of Fallout 3 i just wanna play more and more, even though i don't have anything to do in it... When I think of New Vegas it makes me feel awfull! Hope i am not forgetting anything)