So I'm just interested in reading people's New Vegas hilarious and scary stories and moments;
You're welcome to post yours here.
I'll start;
I was on my 4th playthru, and I was trying some mods, so I had Project Nevada, Darker Nights and Nevada Skies mods; I was going to start Boone's story,
it was really dark to the point I couldn't see anything and had to use the T-51B night vision and when I entered the dinosaur I got the helmet off. Got upstairs and past the door as it was outdoors I couldn't see anything.
(HUD was off).
So I coudn't see Boone..I turned my Pip-Boy light on and..HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY [censored]******************************CK, there was his face really close just staring right into my soul..and I turned the light back off. Light on again and WOOOW it was even closer..I almost jumped out of my chair..and felt so stupid..(I was quite close to my screen.)
Damn, I almost never get scared with games. But that was unexpected.
These mods together add so much suspense to the game..If you are at night exploring and have no power armor, you're going to have a bad time. If a random ghoul or deathclaw or those damn centaurs decide to jump at your back at night..it's going to be scary as hell.
I just want to explore the Dunwich Building from FO3 with these mods, that would be awesome.
I also laughed my ass off with some random NPC's saying dumb things.
Your turn.
EDIT: Hilarious moment: Remember Max and Stacey from Freeside? Get Enclave Remnants power armor and T-51B, sneak on them while they're sleeping, put T51-B on Max and Enclave Armor on Stacey, go outside, wait 'till morning, enter, and watch some Fallout comedy; mini BOS paladin and mini Enclave soldier going PEW PEW PEW and the Enclave soldier running like a girl from the BOS paladin. You can do this on consoles too.