» Tue May 04, 2010 7:27 pm
Ok, one more request, though I feel like I'm getting greedy. When you set up a base effect, there's a "Show Name Only" checkbox. If you're setting up a value modifier effect, i.e. a non-script effect, I'm pretty sure it controls whether the name, magnitude, and duration, or just the name, are displayed on mouseover of the ingestible carrying the effect in the pipboy inventory tab (in other words it will display "HP +5(3s)" if the box is unchecked, versus just "HP" if the box is checked). For a script type effect though, checking it causes the name of the effect to be displayed, while unchecking it will hide the name entirely. Since it's possible to hide the name by just not specifying a name, it would be great if the checkbox functioned the same way for script effects as it did for non-script effects - leaving it unchecked caused both the name of the effect plus the magnitude and duration to be displayed in the pipboy. It might be a tall order, but I'd feel dumb if it ended up being something easy and I didn't ask for it early on. There's definitely no rush for it, but it would be nice if it were included somewhere down the line.