There have been lots of questions swirling around various posts about what we are doing and when we are doing it. I'll try and answer those basic questions below. The thread will serve as a place to update you on our progress, and for you to put in requests for functionality (either to be ported from previous versions or functionality specific to New Vegas.)
- We are working on the basics of the Script Extender, using FOSE as a jumping off point for functionality.
- New Vegas is still very young, and being patched on a regular basis. Each time a patch comes out, some amount of rework is required for NVSE to function. We do not want to release until New Vegas becomes stable, as supporting multiple patches can be very labor intensive.
- As a steam-only game, the New Vegas executable is encrypted. We have received support from Valve for loading NVSE into the steam wrapper when launching New Vegas. So, we are in business. Thanks a ton to Valve for their continued support.
So - what functionality do you folks want for our initial release? Having this information will help direct our porting efforts.
Implemented for v1
- GetNVSEVersion, GetNVSERevision, GetNVSEBeta
- GetBaseObject
- Get/SetWeight
- Get/SetHealth
- Get/SetValue
- GetType
- Get/SetRepairList
- GetEquipType
- Get/SetAttackDamage
- GetWeapon
- Ammo
- ClipRounds
- Type
- MinSpread/Spread
- Projectile
- SightFOV
- Min/MaxRange
- Ammo Use
- Action Points
- CritDamage/Chance/Effect
- FireRate
- AnimAttackMult
- RumbleLeft/RightMotor/Duration/Wavelength
- AnimShotsPerSec
- AnimMult
- Reach
- IsAutomatic
- HandGrip
- ReloadAnm
- BaseVATSChance
- AttackAnimation
- NumProjectiles
- AimArc
- LimbDamageMult
- SightUsage
- HasScope
- Ammo
- SetWeapon
- Ammo
- ClipRounds
- Type
- MinSpread/Spread
- Projectile
- SightFOV
- Min/MaxRange
- Ammo Use
- Action Points
- CritDamage/Chance/Effect
- AnimAttackMult
- AnimMult
- Reach
- IsAutomatic
- HandGrip
- ReloadAnm
- BaseVATSChance
- AttackAnimation
- NumProjectiles
- AimArc
- LimbDamageMult
- SightUsage
- Ammo
- con_SetGameSetting
- con_SetINISetting
- con_GetINISetting
- con_RefreshINI
- con_Save
- con_SaveINI
- con_QuitGame
- con_LoadGame
- con_CloseAllMenus
- con_SetVel
- Form list functions
- GetEquippedObject
- CompareNames, SetName
- GetHotkeyItem
- GetNumItems, GetInventoryObject
- Get/SetCurrentHealth
- Get/SetEquippedCurrentHealth
- InputFunctions
- IsKeyPressed
- Tap/Hold/Release/Enable/DisableKey
- GetNumKeysPressed
- GetKeyPress
- GetNumMouseButtonsPressed
- GetMouseButtonPress
- GetControl, GetAltControl
- MenuTap/Hold/ReleaseKey
- Enable/DisableControl
- TapControl
- SetControl, SetAltControl
- SetIsControl
- IsControl
- IsKeyDisabled
- IsControlPressed
- IsKeyPressed
- Plugin support
- IsPersitent
- GetParentCell/Worldspace
- GetTeleportCell, GetLinkedDoor
- Get/SetRefCount
- Ref Walking
- GetFirstRef, GetNumRefs
- GetFirstRefInCell, GetNumRefsInCell
- GetNextRef
- GetFirstRef, GetNumRefs
- GetObjectEffect
- Set/IsQuestItem
- Get/SetNumericGameSetting
- Get/SetNumericIniSetting
- Loops (Label/Goto)
- PrintC, DebugPrint, Get/SetDebugMode
Requested Functionality
- Inventory walking functions
- String vars
- GetGameLoaded/Restarted
- UI Functions
- GetCrosshairRef
- RemoveAllTypedItems variations
- Get/Add/RemoveWeaponMod