:flamethrower: i wanned to kill every monsters that i found on my way, :gun: i waned to kill every giant shreck that i see on the road, lol and sometimes, i even wanted to have some 1 to show some cool places,that i haved found :violin:
cuss its not the same talking than doing it, it was a lil bored to say all the stuff that i just did or kill or found, :violin: and then sometimes they dint have found some cool places that i haved found, :violin: oh well, if some 1 of you guys have played saintrow2, or have played borderlands, or any other games that you have played whit the full story cooperative, tell me if you dont wish those cool moments to revive in some new cool game again, and what better games than a bethesda game! like fallout or morrowind or oblivion, , i remenber wen i could grab some torches and some candles and all kinda bowls of any places of morrowind lol and i allways put it on my houses cuss the towns where so bigg! i couldnt find my houses, yeah houses, lol i was a ninja, lol i killed some npc and y keeped theyr hoses for me, lol i redecorate every house like if it was christmast, that way as soon that i enter the town i could find my houses, frome farr away, and thats the kind of game that i want a game that im free to do what i want, i could grab any item whitout killing and if i haved to figth i killed whit 1 back stab, and no 1 could notice it, cuss my skills of thief where great!, and not like fallout, that even in a sthealt mode the enemy could see me lol even in the darkest places sometimes they could see, me or smell me idk lol :ph34r: any way, 1 more question, how many of you have played a game, and u desire that game to be a cooperative game even if it would be of 2 players coop, ? i know a few and thats includes me, :violin: i hope bethesta makes a game like a morrowind cooperative, whit all the stuffs of morrowind, like character creation and class creation and that anything u do it will afect ur skills, and that if u see something u like it , u can take it, clothes wepons anything even stuffs frome the houses, and the locks, if you are a thief , whit hig lvl u can open any lock no matter if its magik or part of the story lol any way, i will be ok whit the same morrowind whit a 3 players coop, lol :violin: