» Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:23 am
What i′ve noticed in that video and i don′t like: Feline, C4, melee glitch. I′am really happy that we don′t have this massive C4 spamming on the xbox, it′s rediculous!
Feline is probably the gun used the most. I use it for a different reason then most. I like how small the gun is and for that reason I see more of the screen and spot more things. When u have a bigger gun I feel like I see less screen and miss more cloaked people. C4 is a choice I use to roll with grenades but didn't feel any skill really involved. Melee glitch I've killed 1 person out of 65,000ish kills. Check out my other videos, u won't find a single melee glitch. The only time I run and spam with C4 is melee glitches and in that video mr animal had a maximum nanosuit so C4 was the best option to kill someone with max-suit.