hehe, that's why i was annoyed with youtube, the vid seems to have gotten darker from the original, i actually had night eye on if you look at the icons, though i guess i should have rested (i was being lazy)
complan, nice points, i actually need to work from an earlier backup to get that done, as i was the victim of 3ds max's patented file corruption
, but should be able to how to fix it easily, and as for the robot look, that is probably a combination of the weird leg movements and repetitiveness of the animations, the short blade stance i have a lot to work on, as i'm not too happy with it, and the normal walk is annoying me in how constrictive it is to have to make an animation for every NPC, from Fargoth to the skeletons and dremoras.
well i'll get to work, i'll post another video, at daytime this time, on rapidshare when i make more progress, and if i can get this stuff done, i'll hopefully be able to make a much better animation set than i could without your comments and help ^_^
i'll be counting on you guys for criticism in the future :goodjob: