» Tue May 31, 2011 11:15 am
So...I've been lurking the forums here to see whats going on with this 360 MP test. I got an e-mail, much like the rest of you, saying I've been invited to the test. Clicked sign up and got a confirmation message saying I'd receive instructions before the test starts.
Just so I understand: we were all sent an invite, but only a few of those actually invited got a key to participate?
If so that is pretty retarded and stupid on Crytek's part. That's like inviting all your friends to a party you're holding then turning around and saying "Oh, sorry, we don't have enough room for you, even though we invited you LOLOLOL."
totally agreed , i would of been more content if i didnt get any invite. to be invited and not let in , makes no sense at all . all the moderators dont comment on this because they realise , this is not the way to conduct a beta .
the only way for crytek to redeem themselves is to send a code of entry to those that were invited. daaaahh !!!!!!!!