basically I'm making a small staff/weapon mod, and I wanted to have it cast magic like a staff can and give the holder a constant effect...
making the enchantment to cast at a target part is easy, but as you can only have 1 enchantment on a weapon and that the constant effect enchantments need to go on apparel I thought I'd just whip up a script for it...
I have used the "player.ModActorValue" for changing a few a attributes while holding the staff but I wanted to have thing's like "restore magicka" and "weakness to normal weapons" as constant effects to.
now I notice that "player.addspell" only works for spells (obviously) so is there a script command for adding a full enchantment?
or will I need to add each one directly into the script like "player.ModActorValue" command for the attributes, and if so what is the command for adding an effect?
in total I want to add;
-Restore Magicka
-Resist Disease
-Spell Absorption
-Weakness to Normal Weapons
all as constant effects alongside the staff enchantment that's already on the staff and that works like a normal staff enchantment.
Thanx for any help, I'm sure it's obvious... but I can't see it