I recently purchased Skyrim on Steam during the summer sales and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I've reached level.. 17 I think, but I'm starting to have problems clearing the dungeons.
I'm trying to build a battle-mage (heavy armor, one-hander and destruction), but both my damage and my defense seems very lackluster against any enemy who's not a lowly bandit/draugr. It's getting frustrating, since I'm unable to complete many of my current quests.
I'm still equipped with the Skyforge Sword, you get for joining the Companions, and my best piece of armor is dwarven - the rest is good, old steel. I've been unable to find anything better, and my smithing is not yet high enough to produce anything worthwhile.
Normally I'm equipped witht the sword and firebolt. And the bow, when I sneak. But even when I manage to sneak up on a Bandit Thug and do the 2xdmg-attack, I still have major issues getting them down.
Can anyone shed some light on what I'm doing wrong? I know it's hard based on the above, but I can't possibly be the only one having issues