I'm a Newbie, Help pls

Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:24 am

Okay so I was one of the lucky ones and my copy of Fallout 4 got delivered a day early! (UK) I have been excited all month to unwrap this beauty and get cracking. I have never played a Fallout before, my only previous experience of RPG's through some brief time spent on Skyrim which I enjoyed. But so far with Fallout from my first half hour playing I thought this is going to be fantastic, now i'm out in the wasteland and I am really struggling... I don't know what to do other than the main quests, but also I have found that the game hurls information and new concepts at you relentlessly, I barely understand the majority of it - however I do know it is a steep learning curve with games of this nature. But I am just having a hard time really getting into the game when everything is confusing me! Including the weapon custimization/workshop parts, the settlement building process where you can build structures, finding side quests etc. As mentioned I am sticking to the main quests for the time being, hoping it will let me build my inventory and such enough to go exploring or something. Don't really know what i'm looking for in responses, but all I know is I am just struggling to get into the game atm which is sad I was buzzing to start playing :(

Heck it even took me 20 minutes to work out how to get out of my power armor lol

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Ian White
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:04 am

This is the curse of a Fallout game. Veterans of the series love the fact that the game gives little to no direction. They let you do what you want, when you want.

But with new players it can seem monotonous, there is no "right way" to play the game. I'd recommend to ignore the MQ for a while just because you may find yourself near its end without really experiencing what the rest of the game has to offer.

Pick a Direction.

Stock up on supplies.

Start walking.
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:10 am

Hi Deek,

Welcome to Fallout, still waiting for midnight here..only 3 hours 30 left. My advice would be to explore. Thats how you find a lot of side quests and content. Sticking to the main quest you'll miss a lot of content and fun experiences. Fallout isn't like your normal games where you have a few side quests but the ultimate goal is to do the main story line. This world is all about what YOU make of it. The game gives you the tools, opportunity etc but ultimatley it's you the player who has the biggest input on your experience. IF you just go in to do the main story, you'll have a limited experience in my view.

Explore the world, see what you can find. Maybe change up your playstyle to something a bit more unusual see if that changes things for you.

I have a buddy who's pre-ordered a physical copy (arrives tomorrow) and I know he's going to be in the same boat. He's spent years playing things like COD and Battlefield and just got used to them holding your hand all the way through, so a Fallout experience is going to overwelm him I fear.

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Harry Leon
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:54 pm

My suggestion is start small, establish a home base and than explore and loot the local area which will generally stop you from being overwhelmed at the beginning, also do not rush into the main story, build up a stockpile of caps and supplies before you head off to the big city.

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anna ley
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