New to the game, and I just thought I'd pop in the forums and see what's up.
My original introduction to the elder scrolls was through Morrowind, and try as I might, I just didn't like the game - it felt to me like a hiking-simulator with intermittent bad combat and card-board cut out NPCs trying to walk through walls. Played it maybe 4 hours, after which the game just gathered dust on a shelf.
So... given that experience, I skipped on Oblivion.
I just got a new PC, and finally retired my old dinosaur of a system that I had updated to it's limit, saw Skyrim on a shelf at a reduced price, and bought it, thinking it'll probably be a repeat of my experience with Morrowind.
It was not! Yay!
I'm 14 hours into the experienced thus far, and feel like I've only just scratched the surface. The world seems more.... substantial and engaging than I remember Morrowind being. And I found the controls and the UI to be pretty intuitive, so the learning curve is pretty gentle. I fear I'm going to spend far too much time on this game than is healthy or sensible.
That said, are there things you wish somebody'd pointed out to you when you started playing?
(I'm focusing on magic with my first (Breton) character.)