Anyway, as the topic states, I have no idea how to level up in this game. It seems simple enough but, being a newbie to these games, I need your help in regards to this problem. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, as I'm stuck on level 3. For instance, I maxed out the number of times I could train with a particular trainer on level 3(it was a girl, saying she could help me train for Armorer for different amounts of cash), but I don't know what to do after that! II tried sleeping in a bed, as I heard if your trainer stats are maxed out you'll advance to the next level, but to no avail! What am I missing? I was led to believe that, if you max out any sort of ability(s) with a trainer, you'll advance to the next level. What should I do now?
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!